Article directories are article submission websites, typically the major ones with the most authority are EzineArticles, Go Articles and Article Base. These are pretty much in the order of the ones with the most authority. When I say 'authority', I mean authority in the eyes of a search engine. Search engines, such as Google, like to see sites with hundreds even thousands of links pointing to them - and they reward them by ranking them highly in their results. So why do article directories have so many incoming links? Well this is pretty simple to explain, so here goes... Article directories contain articles which other web site owners can take, free of charge, as long as they contain the entire article complete with any links and references that it may contain. This method of distribution of articles is called 'Article Syndication' and gives the possibility of obtaining thousands of incoming links for free. Articles in most article directories are arranged so that they have a title, a reference to the author, an intro (teaser), the body of the article and finally the all important resource box. The reference to the author is a link to the author's profile, which is a page on the article directory, which ensures the high page rank of the directory. The resource box is the last paragraph of the article, where you are allowed to 'pitch' a little, the maximum you can do is two links and possibly a phone number. The resource box can usually contain straight URLs or HTML anchor text links; the latter providing a very strong backlink structure for any site or blog that it is linking to. In conclusion: articles are a superb way to spread your content around, give more people an opportunity to read them and hopefully respond to your pitch in the resource box. At the same time the inclusion on the article directories provides a fine way to include a keyword rich anchor text link back to your site. The 'icing on the cake' is the fact that your article will get syndicated and your backlink will appear on other people's sites, all over the World, all pointing back to your site, increasing the ranking and traffic.
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