If you have spent most of your life waking up in the morning and having to put on your eye glasses or contact lenses, it can be hard to imagine not having to do that anymore. Think of all the activities you have had to miss out on because of your poor vision. If you did not have to wear eye glasses or contact lenses, think of all the activities you could begin to participate in. The FDA has recently approved a revolutionary non-surgical contact lens treatment called Orthokertology, or Ortho-K for short. This new treatment will improve your natural vision in a matter of hours without the use of drugs or surgery, and it really works. The day after your first fitting with this new Ortho-K therapy, you will see a dramatic affect in your nearsightedness and astigmatism. So how does it work? You can achieve excellent vision after you start wearing these unique, specially designed contact lenses that have been custom designed to quickly but gently change the shape of your cornea. The front curvature of your eye is safely altered to improve your vision. Ortho-K is like orthodontics for your eyes, adding gentle pressure to your eyes from custom-designed contact lenses. The FDA has approved this treatment because it is safe, effective, non-surgical, and even reversible. Ortho-K will improve your vision over a matter of a few weeks, or even a few days, depending on your unique vision situation. This treatment method has often been considered better than getting San Francisco LASIK because it does not involve surgery, and the recovery process is not painful and it a lot shorter. The way your eyes focus light, and whether or not you have good vision is referred to as ‘refractive error.’ There are three main factors that influence how your eyes refract rays of light: the curvature of your cornea, the power of your lens, and the length of your eye. Myopia is a vision condition where your cornea is too steep or the length of your eye is too long. When light passes through the steeper central cornea, the light rays are refracted too much and come to a point of focus in front of the retina, which creates a blurry image on your retina. People with myopia could have blurry vision at a longer distance, but may see well close up. This is also known as nearsightedness. Ortho-K treatment will reduce the corneal curvature and reduce the myopia, improving your overall vision. Astigmatism means your eyes are not completely round in shape, but rather they are slightly oval, like the shape of a football. Many patients with myopia have eyes like this, which causes blurry vision, distortion, even tilting of images due to unequal bending of the rays of light entering their eyes. With astigmatism, light entering your eyes focuses in several places rather than in one central place, which means you may experience blurred vision for both near and far objects. With the newly approved Ortho-K treatment, you will see rapid changes occurring in your eyesight within the first few days or weeks. Your physician will want to keep a constant watch on your quickly changing eyes, so there is a need for frequent examinations during the initial phase of treatment. In the meantime, you will be provided with disposable contact lenses until the treatment on your eyes has stabilized. Once the initial changes take place in the first few days or weeks of your treatment, you will see more gradual changes take place over the next few months. All of the changes you see taking place will only improve the state of your vision. Just like when your teeth are given a retainer to stabilize the results of your mouth after wearing braces, your eyes are given retaining contact lenses to stabilize the results of your improved cornea. If you fail to wear a mouth retainer, your teeth slowly begin to lose the shape they have been forced into. It is the same with your eyes. Fortunately, you will only need to wear these retaining contact lenses for a few weeks to stabilize your newly improved vision.
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