Looking for a festival that will give you an insight into Spanish culture and tradition? The San Fermin Festival in Pamplona and its Running of the Bulls event could well be the festival you've been waiting for. A festival stretching back hundreds of years - researchers believe it could have been taking place as early as the 13th century - thousands of revellers flock to the city to watch bulls and people run through the streets side-by-side. The festivities get underway on July 6th, where people head to the square beneath the Casa Consistorial for the mayor to give the official announcement that proceedings have begun. A rocket will go off just after midday and once this has launched the festivities kick-off in full swing, with a parade held to commemorate St Fermin himself. With St Fermin the patron saint of wineskin merchants, bakers and religious societies, you may want to celebrate the festival in suitable fashion by tucking into some fantastic food and drink. However, the running of the bulls itself does not start until the following day (July 7th). Starting everyday and lasting for a week, six fighting bulls are released from their enclosure at the Santo Domingo corral and run an 825-metre course to Pamplona's bullring. They are joined by dozens of revellers who, often dressed all in white and wearing a red handkerchief, will dash right along their sides. A rocket is launched to give the signal that the gates have been opened, with a second going off to indicate that the bulls have left the corral. From this point, the animals will join the runners who are already lining the streets as they make their way along the course. A third and fourth rocket will go off to signify that the creatures have entered the bullring and bullpen respectively. Once they have entered the enclosure, the bull running is over, until the action kicks off all over again the next morning. In the evening, thousands of people pack into the bullring, where you can watch the fighting bulls face-off against matadors in what is sure to be a thrilling encounter. Once you've had your fill of the Running of the Bull events, why not take a leisurely stroll around the Vuelta del Castillo Park? With First Festival Travel, taking in sporting events and festivals across the UK and Europe is easy - you can search a wide selection of events including the San Fermin Festival's Running of the Bulls. If you want to take in a top European festival, we are sure to have the package for you.
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Festival, Running of the Bulls,