You'd think in a slow economy with fewer people traveling, the last thing hotels would be doing would be increasing their rates. The overall trend in 2010, however, indicates that hotels are doing just that! Is it possible to get a rate you can afford along with the amenities and hotel supplies you need or want?How does the average consumer get what they're looking for at a great price? Finding the hotels with the amenities, hotel supplies and conveniences you want can be a challenge but, with a little research, you'll be able to find what you're looking, for in the location you're after, at a rate that works for you! Most of us, when we're researching hotels, start with the city we're visiting followed by the amount we're looking to pay for a room, which typically yields 5-7 pages worth of hotels. We then look at each hotel's pictures, policies, hotel supplies and amenities in order to narrow our options to between 3 and 5 hotels. Once we've done this, we're tasked with taking an even closer look at each hotel and comparing them to each other and then against our list of needs. If your list contains hotel supplies like complimentary toiletries and in room coffee service, amenities such as a pool and conveniences like free internet and one or more of your selected hotels have offer these hotel supplies, you're closer to your choice. Price is another consideration for most people, especially if you're on a budget. Most people have exploited discount travel sites like and for discounts on hotel rooms and the hotel supplies they offer. The official websites for hotels often list what are known as rack rates which, unlike many airline websites, aren't the lowest advertised or available prices. In fact, they're often the most you'll pay for a room. Travel experts once recommended speaking directly with a hotel's reservations department and asking for a discount or bargaining for extras such as extra hotel supplies or fee for amenities for free. Today they usually point consumers toward discount travel sites as they all offer better rates and make comparing amenities and hotel supplies much easier. In addition, some travel sites offer additional discounts such as 5% off your nightly room rate when you stay 3 or more nights. Many hotels offer guests a host of popular hotel supplies and amenities so an additional discount, however small, can add up fast and make deciding where to stay at easier. Alarm clocks, hair dryers, cable TV and comfortable beds are just a few of the many hotel supplies and amenities which add value to a guest room. As you're reviewing hotels, look for additional conveniences, such as ATMs, amenities such as a free fitness center and hotel supplies such as microwaves. Many hotels strive to demonstrate theirs as the best buy for your money, availing guests of wide variety of hotel supplies. As a potential guest, it's important to realize that even as the trend is toward hotels increasing their rates, great deals are still aplenty. A little extra research and time spent reviewing hotels and their prices, amenities, hotel supplies and conveniences will almost always prove beneficial. If you don't see it, ask for it. If you love one hotel and everything it offers but another hotel has it beat in terms of rate, ask your preferred hotel if they're able to meet or beat their competitor's rate. They usually can and will as they want your business. Ultimately, every hotelier wants happy guests and knows that happy guests attract more happy guests. Don't let the trend frighten you as you, too, can get a great rate! Jill Jankoski is an administrative professional whose passion is helping others to grow their business. If you need professional guidance or assistance with your business, she’d be delighted to assist you.
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