E-mail and online communications are key essentials in modern business; critically, the right e-mail solution helps you increase productivity while managing your bottom-line costs. Getting the mailman to wait while you finish the letter is no longer the way forward. It is now an undisputed fact that Microsoft Exchange is the world's most popular business messaging software, with around 60% of the mail client market. It is a genuine advantage for business productivity as it offers so many practical and advanced features. However, for a smaller company trying to keep pace with its larger competitors, the investment in an Exchange server and the various add-ons to run it, is probably well beyond the average SME IT budget, in fact you would be hard pressed to get much change from £20K for even the most basic system! Fortunately there is an option for SMEs to invest in email hosting packages; these can be trimmed and tweaked to suit a smaller budget and sidestep the bank-breaking initial outlay of investing in an Exchange server, software, the cost of installation and the ongoing maintenance of relatively complex hardware and software, not to mention the need for additional expert staff to run, update and install patches at the same time as keeping those nasty viruses at bay! So, is there a difference between owning your own Exchange server and renting an email hosting package? Simple answer, No. An email hosting package will bring you all the benefits of your own server without the massive financial outlay. It’s simple to set up and with the choice of hosted mail providers on the market; it means that some good deals are available for those companies prepared to shop around. The key factors to take into account are: • Ensure that your chosen provider can guarantee reliable, secure access to your business communications from anywhere you have Internet access. This includes adding in Blackberry, iphone and other smartphone devices should you deploy these in your company. • Check on the service level agreement. There should be performance guarantees available. • Find out the costs of adding mailboxes and whether there are any price breaks on quantity. • Make sure there is a 24/7/365 support team that can resolve issues and ensure full access to your mail. (Don’t settle for music on hold!) • Check that your package includes all the software licenses and updates necessary to maintain the system in good working order. • Don’t settle for the first company you find or the cheapest. Look carefully at every aspect of the email hosting package and work out what you need to improve your company efficiency. Get the right email hosting package and you will soon be revelling in the benefits without the significant drawbacks or responsibility for looking after a server. One thing is for sure you won’t look back. You will find: 1. The shared calendar facility is brilliant – you can see who is where and when they are available. A real advantage when you are on the road. It’s also great for booking conference rooms in the office. 2. The shared task list can be used to create to do’s and, of course, you always have full access to all your contacts regardless of where you are or whichever device you are using to access your mail. 3. The really great thing about the shared facilities is that you never lose your data or contacts ever again and your system is always synchronised regardless of the device you are using to access your mail account. You can even have a virtual ‘out of office’ assistant to let people know when you will be available or to send specific responses to individual mailboxes. 4. You simply save time and effort as communication becomes so easy to integrate with everyday life. In summary the key reasons for opting for email hosting from a reputable provider are as follows: - Very rapid professional deployment into your organisation - Full software license management and compliance - Built-in redundancy to ensure optimum performance - Complete server, network and infrastructure security - Programmed upgrades and security patches to prevent virus attacks - Full server maintenance and support 24/7/365 - Skilled, highly experienced level III certified support staff - Service level and network uptime guarantees. To find out more about Microsoft Exchange, visit Microsoft’s official website. To find out what Rackspace can do for your business and to learn about their proprietary email solution, visit their Email Hosting website.
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