When building your real estate website it is important to know a thing or two about search engine optimization. You don’t have to become an SEO expert, but knowing enough to build your site properly will reap amazing benefits in the future. By ignoring the fundaments of SEO, you risk the future success of your website and your business. Embrace these fundamentals now and you will attract more visitors later on. So what is search engine optimization (SEO) and what does it have to do with my website’s future success? SEO is the act of optimizing your website for better rankings in search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. By ranking well for certain key words or phrases, you will also increase your web traffic. The ultimate goal is to gain additional exposure online in order to attract clients and expand your real estate business. Sounds like something all real estate professionals want. How can you achieve this kind of success? It starts with the design and layout of your real estate website. If you have the skills to do this yourself, then go for it. If not, hire a professional that can develop your website with an eye toward your future search engine visibility. A professional will know where to put key information on your web pages to achieve great rankings and visibility. What areas should you focus on to get the best results? To begin with, every page on your website should be “topic-specific,” focusing on one particular topic. Build each page upon its own key phrase that is relevant to your business. This will increase the relevance and specificity of every page on your site, which contributes to better search engine rankings. How many pages you have will depend on your business model, your area of operation and your audience. You might consider having pages for different cities, neighborhoods, or real estate services that you provide. Just try to keep the website as clean and easy to navigate as possible. Don’t bog down your website with unnecessary content, but don’t be stingy either. Find that happy medium that will give your customers exactly what they’re looking for. Having a variety of different kinds of information on your website will increase your web traffic because it gives people a lot of different ways to find you through search engines. Your website will appear in more searches because you’ve incorporated so many key phrases. Plan on allowing your real estate website to be able to grow and expand as your client base expands. If you build a website that is hard to expand you will limit your growth. Make sure the design is flexible. You may think you only need five pages now, but as your business grows, so will your website.
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