Because of its safety and effectiveness in improving vision, millions of people are choosing to undergo San Jose LASIK eye surgery. Many parents that have opted for this procedure are wondering if it would be similarly effective on their children. Ideally, any candidate for San Jose LASIK eye surgery should be at least 18 years old. People over the age of 40 wonder if they will remain suitable candidates as they continue to age. Every generation faces its own unique needs and issues when it comes to vision. Unfortunately, most surgeons do not recommend performing San Jose LASIK on children unless it is an extreme case. Children’s eyes are not fully developed until they reach about 18 years of age. They are constantly adjusting and changing shape, so San Jose LASIK would only provide a temporary improvement for their vision. In fact, any child that has undergone LASIK might need corrective surgery in the future. Another reason surgeons do not recommend San Jose LASIK for children is because children are restless and overly anxious about getting surgery. A LASIK patient needs to be fully awake and relaxed during the procedure, something adults are better at doing than children are. There is very little evidence that San Jose LASIK is safe and effective for children. Children with extreme vision conditions such as anisometropic amblyopia, or “lazy eye.” In this case, children are normally given glasses or contacts lenses, or they have to wear an eye patch over their good eye to force improvement on the bad eye. When these conventional treatments don’t work, some doctors authorize San Jose LASIK eye surgery. Even teenagers’ eyes are constantly changing until they reach 18, which is why the FDA has not approved the San Jose LASIK eye surgery procedure for teens. Most doctors want their patients to have stable eyes for at least two years before getting surgery. Patients reaching the age of 40 need to consider the possibility that their vision might be affected by conditions that can’t be treated with San Jose LASIK eye surgery. Some vision conditions are a normal part of the aging process and tend to increase over time. LASIK eye surgery is generally not a good option for senior patients because they usually suffer from age-related conditions that cannot be treated with San Jose LASIK. Cataracts, for example, can occur when the natural lens in the eye becomes cloudy and blurred, a condition that can only be improved through cataract surgery. When deciding if San Jose LASIK eye surgery is right for you at your age, always talk to a doctor first. They can inform you of all the risks and benefits involved. If you do not qualify for San Jose LASIK, a doctor can tell you about any alternatives for your condition.
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