Most of us are aware of the physical benefits of exercise but we usually only think it benefits us below the neck. We know we can expect stronger muscles and bones; we can lose some weight and slow the aging process but what about our mental and emotional health, can exercise help us there as well? After all our brain is the central processing unit for all of our body's systems and processes and its health is important to our well-being and the way we feel about ourselves and our lot in life. Fitness and our health do not just stop at the neck and we need to consider our mental and emotional health as well. Statistics reveal that mental illness accounts for over 15 percent of the burden of disease which is more than all cancers and it is predicted that by the year 2020 mental illness will be the second highest cause of death and disability in the world. When we are healthy mentally we are able to realize our full potential in life and can cope with the normal difficulties and stresses of modern life. We should also be able to be productive, do our share and make a contribution to our community. Experts are gaining a better understanding of the closely linked connection between the health of the body and the health of the mind. We know that physical activity is the human body's key method of staying healthy and it appears to be crucial to mental health as well. When our body is fit and strong our mind is fit and strong as well. When we give our muscles a good workout 'feel good' natural chemicals are stimulated that makes us happier and more content. These chemicals also regulate our emotions and dissipate stress and anxiety. When not chased away regularly unhealthy thoughts build up and get in the way of enjoyment of life. After each vigorous exercise session the slate is wiped clean as the calming affect kicks in. When we get our blood pumping it not only benefits the brain but every cell and tissue in the body gets a boost stimulating energy and rejuvenation. Pretty hard to feel 'blue' when you feel so good. It is a shame that pills are usually the first option when someone is feeling 'down'. It is not hard to work out why when recommending a good workout does not make money for the medical establishment but pills and drugs do. But this does not mean it is the right solution. Even if prescription drugs are used proper exercise still can play a very big role in improving the health of every single body system including mental and emotional health as well. Pills will never make you healthy but exercise will and is a simple inexpensive gift we can give ourselves that we all have easy access to. If you are in this situation do not allow yourself to be just fobbed off with a pill alone. Try exercise and you will find it will act as a counter balance and soothe and blast away negative thoughts before they build up and hinder your life. Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook Ive Found the Fountain of Youth- Let Me Show You Too! here: Reverse Aging For Free Fitness Report here Fitness Weight Loss Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger.
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