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Nikos Economopoulos Talks "As Never Before" . by Lucy Vaganova

Nikos Economopoulos Talks "As Never Before" . by
Article Posted: 04/09/2010
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Nikos Economopoulos Talks "As Never Before" .

Popular journalist and broadcaster of the radio show “Pote Opos Prin” (As Never Before) Giannis Galanopoulos had a coversation with the most promising and talanted Greek singer of “laika” style Nikos Economopoulos (Nikos Oikonomopoulos). Interview was on air straight after the Greek Independence Day (on the 26th of March, 2010)

G: On Thursday we celebrated the anniversary of the March 25, 1821 (Hellenic Independence Day). When you were a child, did you go to the parade?

N: Of course I did. And I can tell about it. Whenever I went to the parade, the night before I was trying to prepare everything, the clothes were of a big importance for me, I was finding my good white shirt, my good shorts, cleaning my shoes, did washing, because I wanted the girls to see me and say: "How handsome Nikos is!” (laughs).

G: Do you believe that not only the voice, but the stage presence of a singer plays a big role?

N: Everything plays a role. There should be a combination of things there when you are exposed to the world. It is not enough to have a good voice. There are other things, like the ability to connect with people, an ability to feel these people around you and to feel yourself close to them.

G: What you can say regarding this year's experience of your collaboration with Giannis Parios?

: It was the greatest experience in my life. It was a big honour for me. I will never forget it. Once I told him: "If you will not do that again I will not talk to you anymore!" (Laughs). We had a lot of fun with Giannis. He is a good man. I appreciate what he did for me and the fact that we were singing together in front of people makes a big difference for me.

G: Did this cooperation come earlier than planned, not as you had in your mind?

N: There is no plan in my mind for when to work with someone. If you want to work with someone you just wish and hope. With me it happened. I had thought about it from when I was a child, then it happened and still it seems like it is unreal! Thank God! I think I'm a very lucky man.

G: When you were a young boy, you were a good footballer. Have you regretted than you did not enter professional football?

N: Pity that I never played football on the overcrowded stadium. It did not happen to me. I hope that in the next life I will be a football player.

G: What would you prefer: to sing at Eurovision or to play Football for a EURO CUP? N: A thousand times to play football for a EURO, because the Eurovision, from what I've seen in recent years, I think is ... how to say? I just can not find the right word to say. You know what I do not like at all? It is that we try to imitate foreign songs. Neighbouring countries have sung in their own languages and have got some very good positions. The song "Lane moje" of Zeljko Joksimovic in 2004 I think was the best number from previous years. Even though he did not win the 1st place, but came 2nd, still it was in their language. Maybe we Greeks should do the same. Why renounce our nationality? We are Greeks and we should sing in Greek!

G: So, you are agree with Giorgos Alcaeus, who has chosen Greek lyrics.

N: Yes, indeed I agree with Alcaeus. I like him very much and I have listened to him from a very young age, because Giorgos has been singing for many years.

G: Do you like “Opa”? (music: Giorgos Alcaeus , words: Giannis Antoniou – L.V.)

N: I would not say that I madly like it, but it is a Greek song. For this reason alone I like it. Whether it will get first place or last, I am happy, as long as a Greek song is entered. Of course, there are some negative people, who would go on television again and start saying “we think that it is not a good choice of the song”. I would say "Fine, go and sing in English because you do not want the man who goes there with a Greek song! "

G: At least you know how things work on Greek television. That’s why you recently made some impressive statements about the level of television.

N: Was that not truth? Firstly, I do not like always to avoid the topic. What I said is my opinion and everyone is entitled to his opinion. I don’t like at all the current TV. It does not offer me anything other than 2-3 persons “performing” each day and ... what to say now? ... Shame. I am ashamed. Really. Old broadcasts by Roula Koromilas, by Kirios Chardavellas had good singers, actors, people with values and ideals. These people were expressing serious points of view. Now television is just set a of antics. It shows people who have nothing to say. Absolutely nothing. And it is dealing with their personal lives. Is it possible to deal with them while some other people have nothing to eat or are unpaid for months? Why should I not say that? After all, that is the reality. Do I lie? Is it nice to see what I see? No, it is not nice ...

G: Some blame you for judging TV, meaning that once you appeared on TV you then started to teach the world! There are many internet reviews that are negative for this your position.

N: Well, then I will answer by coming out of your question. Yes, I appeared on TV. So what? Did I do something wrong? I came to television, sang and then came out and recorded my CDs. And that was my purpose. What else did I do? Is it bad to express my point of view on something that concerns me and everyone around me? G: You sang at Dream Show and then started to teach the world. Do you have regrets about things you were saying spontaneously?

N. Maybe I should not do some things ... and to tell you the truth I blame myself a little bit, because I could not contain myself at one point and then did not stop, it was about my family life. I admit it. But that does not mean I did something on purpose. It happened because I'm spontaneous. I was not looking at the cameras, not thinking what to say. I never talked with strategy. Just was saying what I feel.

G: Do you think that if not the “Dream Show” you would never have made a career?

N: I'll tell you what I firmly believe. When I was in the provinces and sang, I did not want to send a demo to any record label. I was saying: "There will be a moment when someone discovers me." I thought everything would be done gradually. For now it is like that. I have achieved success. Tomorrow maybe I will not have it. How do I feel about the fact that I've done so many hits? I feel, I can swear for it, just nothing.

G: It is easy to believe in that. While we talk you don’t stare at me, but look down. It seems that you don’t ride on a high horse.

G: How do you choose your partners for the gigs you are doing? N: The talent is above all and the character is the next important quality. I feel these things instinctively.

G: Does the thought about who will come to your venue worry you? I mean at the time of economic crisis?

N: This worried me before the crisis too. But now, when people are going through the difficulties, it especially concerns me. I see it everyday and I feel sorry over that. It is upsetting that some people can’t have fun. It is the worst thing when life is just work, when you can’t do something for fun. I usually do not go out much, but instead I like to be with people in the venue: we are a group and we sing, it's fun for me. That is true. I made my job out of my hobby .

G: You said " It is the worst thing when life is just work. Did you say it because of your personal experience? N: Yes, of course. Was I rich? No, and nor am I rich now either. I am from a poor family of fishermen, who taught me to be the right man above all. I don’t love money at all. And now here, in Athens, while working with the director, we never discuss money. Never!

G: You must be of exceptional kind!

N: Yes. That’s what I do. I do not discuss money.

G: Are you satisfied with the records you’ve done?

N: Not always. Most of the time when I listen to them I realise that something could have been be done better.

G: Do you receive gifts from your fans?

N: Yes. I can take icons, most of them are of St. Nicholas, rosaries and some really simple things. I appreciate them. If somebody brings a golden watch, for me it doesn’t say much. I do not like expensive gifts. The movement itself is precious, it gives me a feeling of a contact. I love them (fans - LV)

G: Are you really the person you look like: a popular ("laiko") guy? Or maybe when the lights and cameras are off you have a different life? N: I don’t try to show anything. I am what you see and hear. No more, no less. Let time prove what’s behind the words.

G: Does it enter your mind, that the public who elevated you high can also throw you down?

N: Of course, yes it happens. Does it worry me? Yes, it does regarding my job. I try to be always better, not to disappoint people. My purpose is to let them hear great songs.

G: I read that you have a fear of hospitals and loneliness.

N: Yes. This is one more reason for me to sing. I sing because I want to be with people, not to be alone. I cannot live without singing, believe me. Now while I relax at home I don’t waste the time. I think about time when we start rehearsals in “Thea”. This is what keeps me going. When you are sitting at home not doing what you love, it can drive you crazy.

G: Do you want to have a family?

N: Yes, very much. I have missed this thing and I want to do it anyway. I wish God will give me a chance to have a proper family and to become a good family man.

G: What do you see as the right family life? What is the ideal spouse for you? Do you want her to be from the same space you are? How do you have it in mind?

N: I don’t have any singer in mind, but if it happens, then I welcome it! I do not ever plan it. What I would like to have in the relationship of husband and wife is respect, honesty and love above all. These are for me the key ingredients to start a family. I know, problems exist in all families, but they should be sorted out as smoothly and softly as possible.

G: Are there some bogus stories written about you?

N: Yes. There have been several stories written about my ‘”supposed –to-be” relationships, they have no basis.

G: If you were in love with a girl, would you go out with her without a fear of photography?

If I'm in love then yes, I'll do it. I have never hidden the fact that I am a man who courted and flirts. You may ask “Why for so long there is no a woman next to him?". That’s right, but again I do not want to speak about my private life, I don’t like talking about it. If it happens to me to fall in love, I will not hide it but I would try not to provoke interest. I will not go out to show it up. I will go to some quiet and beautiful place, to have a good time. G: Can you protect the privacy of your personal life being who you are – an artist?

N: Certainly. Believe me. If you don’t want to show anything, you will not show, and if you want to show, then it is so easy, you can do it at any time.

G: And often what we see is not a reality ...

N: Tell me about it! Surely not…

G: Niko, do you have enemies?

N: We all have enemies. And as I wish everybody health and love, I hope for them (enemies -LV) to have all of this too. Gianni, we are creating our enemies. That's it. I do not want to have them. May be others want ... Competition I can accept, but only healthy competition. Enemies I do not want to have. I forgive easily and I want others to forgive me because I make mistakes too often. Nobody is perfect.

G: Where will you go for Easter? N: For Easter I’ll be in Patra, with my grandma, she is lonely since I left, then I will go to see my friends. And I will be with my dad, will see my mother, my little and my older brothers. It will be a family time.

G: Do you have a sister? N: No, we have man power in the family! (laughs). I would like to have a sister. When I was a boy I was saying "I wish I had one sister just to know her girl-friends!" (Laughs).

Edited and translated by Lucy Vaganova and Theo Simeonidis

Related Articles - Greek Radio, Greece, As Never Before, Pote Opos Prin, Giannis Galanopoulos, Nikos Oikonomopoulos interview, Nikos Economopoulos, Nikos,

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