Sylvanas is The Dark Lady. She's just referring to herself in third person, as you pointed out. It might seem a little up-on-herself, but it's more that she's being regal and queenly. Imagine King Wrynn urging Alliance soldiers forward, shouting at them "Go! Your King commands it!" You wouldn't think anything particularly odd about that phrase. In this case, it just looks a little funny because The Dark Lady isn't a title we're accustomed to seeing elsewhere. Before we begin, in the interest of full disclosure, we will make it clear that Simon and Schuster did forward us free copies of Stormrage for this buy wow accounts review. They did not, however, dictate any of the opinions held in this review. In addition, our network has a policy against keeping 'giveaways' sent to us, so our copies of the novel will be given away on our site sometime in the future. With that out of the way, let's get to the review. The last book we reviewed here on was Arthas: Rise of the Lich King. It was written by Christie Golden and was a little over three hundred pages of Prince Arthas Menethil's personal history, from his childhood to his fall to the Scourge. If that's cheap wow accountswhat you're expecting out of Richard A. Knaak's Stormrage, drop those expectations. All of that can be found in the War of the Ancients trilogy. Despite the similar naming scheme, Stormrage is a novel that takes place at the same time as the events going on in Wrath of the Lich King. It's specifically stated that the Wrath Gate incident has already happened by the time the events in this novel begin. This isn't backstory, this is buildup to Cataclysm. After a slew of issues with log in servers, broken quests, crashing game servers and what seemed to be problem after problem in wow accounts game on their North American Servers Frogster rebound with this. Now when I first read this I was happy; thinking “Go Frogster, Way to help out your players!!” Then I read the fine print that says, “Available for only 100 Phirius tokens” Now in the defense of Frogster this is a free-to-play wow account game and they could have told you to just stick it because you don’t pay for your time in game. However, I am of the opinion that if you are going to do something then please do it all the way and not this half-assed attempt at “giving” something to the community.
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