Over the last few years, there has been a lot written about the many benefits of fish oil pills.however there are still people writing in to ask just what are these benefits. Well, Omega 3 supplements help us to stay mentally healthy. They help to keep our cardiovascular system in good shape. They have very good anti-inflammatory properties. And they help keep our skin glowing. The benefits of fish oil pills show themselves when we look into how they keep us mentally healthy. You see, the DHA fatty acids in the Omega 3 supplements has the job of keeping us contented. And it does a good job at that. However, we must all be made aware, that if our DHA fatty acids ever get too low, then we shall suffer from bouts of depression. The benefits of fish oil pills also show us how powerful they are when it comes to our cardiovascular system. The DHA fats team up with the EPA fats to help prevent us from suffering a heart attack. They work together to help maintain the elasticity in our artery walls. And last but not the least, they are natural blood thinners, and they help to reduce our blood pressure. And this, the most beneficial to us all. One of the benefits of fish oil pills is the fact that they have high anti-inflammatory properties. Now, doctors have discovered that most illnesses have their roots in inflammation. Indeed if you go to a heart specialist for a check up, he will test you for inflammation. That is a common test that these doctors do on heart patients. The company that I buy my oil from has a research team who have developed an Omega 3 supplement that has double the anti-inflammatory properties of other concentrated oils on the market. This New Zealand company says that sales are going through the roof. And I did hear a rumour that when sales reach a certain level, the company will only service existing clients. I must repeat my warning to never buy an Omega 3 supplement that has not been through the process of molecular distillation to remove the contaminants such as the heavy metals lead and mercury. And the toxins such as the PCBs. These PCBs are known to cause cancer, so be very wary of the cowboys in the industry. These cowboys will have you ingesting these heavy metals and toxins, and they will probably tell you they are good for you. Do not believe them. Gordon Hall is fervent about enabling you and everyone to live a healthy lifestyle, and is an ardent reviewer of fish oil supplements. To discover which supplements Gordon recommends after far ranging and extensive research. Visit his website now at Elite-Fish-Oil-Supplement.com.
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