Credit reports are the record of a company’s or a person’s previous transactions which involved borrowing money from agencies or people. It also keeps a record of any late payments and even bankruptcy. The federal law of US allows all the users to receive free copy of their individual credit report from all the primary credit reporting agencies once in every twelve months. The three major credit bureaus (or reporting agencies) are Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. One should check their credit report for several reasons. There has been a rise in Identity theft and one should check that all items listed in the report belong to the user and are correct. Even if an individual isn’t thinking of buying or doesn’t need the credit report for any reason, they should check their credit report to take advantage of the free offer. These credit reports can be requested by mail or phone, but going online is the fastest and easiest way to check one’s credit report. After checking, that a person has all the required information (and also a computer with an internet connection), he/she can easily check their report. One can follow the below mentioned steps to check their credit report online: 1. The online site created by the primary credit bureaus should be accessed. This website has been authorized to provide the free service of giving credit reports annually. The state can be selected from the drop down menu and then ‘Request Report’ button should be clicked. 2. The user’s personal information should be filled. Usually, the fields which are marked with a sign (generally *) are mandatory. The details involve name, social security number, birthday, current address and previous address. Once all the required details have been filled, the user can fill characters in the box specified and then the ‘Continue’ button should be clicked. 3. The opening page allows a user to select a credit report from any of the three reporting bureaus (agencies). The desired credit report should be selected by checking the box next to the desired one. After this, the ‘Next’ button should be clicked. To access the bureau’s (agency) site, the ‘Next’ button is to be pressed again. 4. One can view their credit report online by verifying themselves. Verification is done by entering the last four digits of the social security number. After that, the ‘Submit’ button should be clicked. The ‘Submit’ button is to be clicked again after clicking on the “Annual Credit Report’ button. After this, one has to answer several questions to identify themselves and after filling the answers, the ‘Continue’ button should be pressed. After this, the credit report can be viewed. A person can check all three reports at a single time or a different one in every four months. By spreading the reports, one can verify any changes in the report in the whole year. Credit reports can be viewed easily and for free by following the above mentioned simple steps. can be visited to check the information regarding Identity theft given in credit reports are correct.
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