Designers these days are expected to do more than just design the front end in Photoshop or Illustrator. They are expected to play a major part in the front end code as well, which means most of the search engine optimization responsibilities fall on them. This article should serve as a guide to those designers who don’t fully understand the subject well enough to create a site that is fully optimized for search engines. 1. Build the front end of your website using semantic code, which includes descriptive tags to structure the pages. This makes it easier for search engines to scan you website, and for users to understand your content. It also helps styling your website become a clean, easy processes. 2. Another way to increase search engine optimization on your website is to include keywords in strategic locations in your URL, title tags, main headings and scattered tastefully throughout your web content. Beware of keyword stuffing. Search engine don’t like that. 3. While flash navigation with cool drop-down effects may sound sweet, don’t do it. Search engines have a hard time reading flash so they can’t follow the links in your navigation. 4. All the different pages of your website should have their own unique title attribute. This helps search engines and users know that each of your pages are unique and provide different information. 5. Give all your images alt attributes. Search engines can’t see images, but they can read the description you give each one. This will ensure you get traffic from image search as well. 6. Instead of using generic phrases like “Click Here” or “Learn More” for your links, use descriptive phrases that tell the users and search engines exactly where they are going and what they will find there. 7. Designers are perfectionists, and sometimes we want to replace ugly browser rendered heading text with a nice smooth image. Headings are a great place to put keywords, but search engines will pass right over them if they’re in an image. 8. Quality inbound links are a huge part of building search engine optimization. Having an attractive website with quality content will lead to other people in your niche link to your website. 9. Use a consistent URL throughout the building of your website. Either use “” or “,” not both. Search engines see that as duplicate content and don’t like it. 10. Getting your website indexed in search engines can be difficult and take weeks. Start by submitting it to Google, and then continue to try and get it linked to by a popular site in a related niche.
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