We have been hearing it for the last thirty years. Do 30-60 minutes of low to moderate intensity 'cardio' activity 3 to 5 times each week in your fat burning range of 60-70 percent of maximum heart rate. If you still believe that doing this type of 'cardio' workout is the way to go when it comes to getting into great shape and melting away body fat it could be why you are not making the progress you would like to make. Or, even worse, you think you are in great shape but you are really just 'skinny fat', like most cardio junkies which is described as having low lean body mass (muscle tissue) and a high body fat percentage. Being 'skinny fat' is usually a problem of someone who continually feels they need to restrict their food intake or people who do primarily 'cardio' activity and not strength training exercise. This is exactly the opposite of being in 'good shape' which is a term for having the maximum amount of muscle tissue and the minimum amount of body fat on one's frame. It can be very discouraging to learn how high actual body fat percentage is when you spend so many hours doing 'cardio' activity. But these people are often unhappy with their appearance and realize there is something not quite right. Someone in this condition often struggles with doing the right things to change it as often habits are well set and they are virtually 'addicted' to the same workout and eating regime. But somehow they need to get their head around the fact that this condition is unhealthy and will cause accelerated aging. The key to getting into really great shape is determined by the amount and condition of lean muscle tissue on your body. The more toned muscle you have the more fuel (calories) you burn both when you are exercising and when you are resting. And you cannot get in this sort of great shape without strength training exercise. A proper strength training exercise program is what is needed to reconstruct lost muscle mass and speed up the body's metabolism (fat burning machinery). Any long slow endurance type activity should be completely discarded. Strength training exercise will keep your muscle tissue in good shape, stoking your metabolism, getting you lean and keeping you youthful and healthy. With your lower body fat percentage and higher ratio of muscle tissue your body will be healthier and look great too - strong, lean, toned and sleek and more athletic like. .It is important that you have help from a fitness professional to reverse this 'skinny fat' syndrome. You need a program that is monitored and changed regularly so you get good results. You also need to learn the correct level of intensity (degree of effort) to perform them at. As you may have been doing low to moderate levels of intensity with your 'cardio' you may have to kick things up a notch or two. Being in good shape is more than looking skinny in a pair of tight jeans. The real test comes when you put on your shorts or be willing to expose an upper arm or leg. And when you have a strong, lean, toned healthy body you will have no problem doing this. In fact you will be proud to show off your brand new 'in shape' body for all to see. Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook Ive Found the Fountain of Youth- Let Me Show You Too! here: Reverse Aging For Free Fitness Report here Fitness Weight Loss Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger.
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