Smoking is a form of addiction that claims millions of lives every single year. In fact, the number of smokers in the world seems to only be increasing despite all the efforts that the various agencies take to try and educate the public about the harms of smoking. If you are a smoker as well, then you should know the different ways in which you can stop smoking. It might not seem like something important for you now, but you have to understand that later on, the complications that smoking brings on is something that you are bound to regret and possibly cannot do anything about. Go Cold Turkey It is probably the easiest way to quit smoking, but the hardest to follow. There have been cases of people who have been able to successfully kick the butt without requiring any special help. In fact, all that is required for this method is sheer will power and determination. If you make up your mind to do something, then you will definitely achieve it. Hence, think carefully about whether or not you are willing to throw your life away just for those few minutes of pleasure that you supposedly experience. With cold turkey, your body immediately starts the cleansing process, and you should be healthy over a period of time. Nicotine Substitutes One of the more popular forms of smoking cessation is to make use of nicotine alternatives. With this, smokers can rejoice and perhaps even take solace in the fact that they are still getting their usual dose of nicotine, albeit from a different form and not from cigarettes. This is somewhat beneficial, if you stop using the substitute as well after a period of time. Just remember that the substitutes should be considered with doctor supervision, especially the nicotine patches. Nicotine gum can be used by those who don’t want to have patches on their skin. Hang out with a different crowd Sometimes, people develop the habit of smoking from social circles or even due to peer pressure. If all your close friends start smoking, then you are more likely to cultivate the habit as well. If this is the case, then you should constantly remind yourself about the ills of smoking and why you shouldn’t develop the habit. As much as possible, preach the theory of smoking cessation to your friends and try to give up with habit. Avoid developing new acquaintances that smoke, including the ones in your workplace. If your boss is a smoker, don’t encourage the behavior! Try and avoid it, or even encourage him to give up the habit. While these remain the more popular ways to give up smoking, there are other unorthodox ways as well. Depending on your beliefs, you should be able to Stop smoking without trying as hard. In fact, most people who gave up the habit took quite a lot of time to do so, and you too should give yourself adequate amounts of time if you plan to be successful at it. is a website geared towards giving people options for their nicotine problems by giving smoking cessation . To get a dose of saving grace, visit
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smoking cessation, quit smoking, Stop smoking,