Have you ever heard a story like this? A relative goes to the hospital for tests to find out why they are tired all the time and doesn't feel 'well'. They did the tests, can not find anything wrong and don't know what the problem is. They want them to go back in a few months time so they can run some more tests. What they are doing is waiting for the condition (whatever it is) to develop further so it can be identified as treatment to manage a condition can only be aptly prescribed after a diagnosis is made. There is an apt description coined for those whose heath has deteriorated to the point where the person has early symptoms but they have not yet progressed to the point that a specific disease process can be identified. They are called the 'walking wounded'. These are a growing army of these 'walking wounded', people who are 'vertically ill' who are not well enough to function adequately but are not yet quite sick enough to become 'horizontally ill' - bed bound with a total loss of physical function. This 'walking wounded' scenario can go on for years or even decades as pain, disability and ill health push any hope of real health out the door. The victim can often adapt and keep going, but underneath the quality of life is slowly destroyed. It is strange that we have been conditioned to believe that it is simply a question of Lady Luck as to our fate in life' Lucky us, perfect health, no disease, long life. Or bad luck, poor health, disease, short life. It is as if we have no part in it, no influence and no responsibility as we run off to the doctor expecting them to fix us up if we get sick. Although the doctor helps manage disease symptoms don't think the doctor looks after your health. The doctor looks after your sickness. Don't ever confuse that. You alone live in your body and you alone are responsible for your health. Even if you currently have disease symptoms starting to show you can improve your health dramatically. You can even give yourself the gift of 'real' health. This is a much higher level than simply 'not being sick' and is where you have peak performance physically, mentally and emotionally. You have lots of energy, emotional balance and a quick mind. Your disease proof body has the ability to easily fight off invaders. You don't get colds and you certainly don't suffer from preventable diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes and at least fifty others that rob the health of millions of people. But you have to work for 'real' health; it doesn't just happen on its own. For starters you have to eat high quality food and this means ditching the processed, refined rubbish that sits in pretty boxes on the supermarket shelves made with dirt cheap ingredients devoid of nutrition. This means you have to cook from scratch, natural whole foods so your body is given the essential nutrients it needs to keep your immune system strong. You also have to perform a proper exercise program that contains strength training exercise 2-3 times each week to keep your muscular system strong. Muscle is the engine of your body and if it is not in good condition all of your body systems weaken including the immune system which will allow life threatening disease to stalk you.. Having 'real' health allows you to have a much greater chance of enjoying a long and healthy life span achieving your full potential in every way. Ill health means a shorter life span with much of that time spent suffering and just merely existing. The choice is up to you - which will you choose? Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook Ive Found the Fountain of Youth- Let Me Show You Too! here: Fountain of Youth For Free Fitness Report here Fitness Weight Loss Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger.
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