Laser body sculpting is a minimally invasive lipolysis procedure proven to be effective for removing unwanted body fat resistant to exercise and diet regimens. SmartLipo is a laser-assisted liposuction sculpting technique on the forefront of technology of fat removal. This also promotes skin tightening over time—an added advantage. Achieve Exciting Laser-Assisted Liposuction Body Sculpting Results Using this breakthrough technology, excess fat can be gently removed from the abdomen, love handles, backs, thighs, hips, knees, arms, neck and chin. In addition to shortened procedure time, quicker recovery and decreased discomfort, SmartLipo laser-assisted liposuction can help you achieve the appearance that you always wanted. SmartLipo MPX is the latest advancement in laser body sculpting. By utilizing dual wavelengths of laser energy, the SmartLipo MPX targets both fatty deposits and the skin to aid in fat removal and skin tightening. Additional features such as the Thermister and SmartSense devices provide enhanced overall safety. Choose an Experienced Surgeon This innovative and minimally invasive procedure is performed under local anesthesia while the patient is completely awake, avoiding traditional anesthesia. Most patients are able to return to normal activities in a few days. When you have decided to undergo laser sculpting procedure, it is important to choose an experienced and skilled plastic surgeon as in any surgical procedure. During the consultation, the plastic surgeon will assess whether you are a good candidate with respect to your body weight and medical health and explain what SmartLipo can do for you. Manhattan Liposuction - Hi def body sculpting using SmartLipo Triplex is the latest cosmetic procedure for lipolysis. Liposculpture surgery is performed at bodySCULPT™, an all-inclusive plastic surgery practice in Manhattan, New York City (NYC).
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