Anybody who works in the hospitality industry knows it’s very competitive. While some markets have limited options for consumers for whatever reason, most markets have a wide variety of options from which a consumer may choose especially in big cities, resort areas or destinations. People can choose from budget inns, world class hotels and every option in between those two extremes. Hotel managers know that although people’s budgets and desired amenities are different, the desire to book the best hotel room they can afford is the same for everybody; the better the deal, the happier people will be. That leads to another excellent question. Do the amenities offered by a hotel, or the lack thereof, effect someone’s choice of hotels? The hospitality industry as a whole is very competitive, especially in a weak economy. Restaurants and entertainment venues are aiming to give people the best possible experience. Likewise, hotels aim to make guests happy and to ensure a return visit or a visit by the guest’s family, friends or business associates. Hotel management teams know that everything from cleanliness to customer service matters and that those same things ensure consistently high customer service ratings. They recognize that clean facilities, guest rooms that look, feel and smell good and friendly, responsive customer service will be remembered and recommended. While the traveling public does so for a wide variety of reasons from business to pleasure and everything in between, they all want the same thing: a comfortable, clean, secure spot to call home away from home. People appreciate the amenities their hotel offers, whether it be in room coffee, continental breakfast, soft sheets, clean guest rooms or fitness centers, among other things. Hotels realize that in many markets they are competitive because of the amenities they offer. For example, in many hotels, the free continental breakfast is now an ‘optional upgrade’. While hotels have modified or eliminated the amenities they offer in order to save money, the majority of them realize that amenities effect occupancy rates. Guest expectations matter and those potential guests read reviews written by people who’ve previously stayed at a given hotel. While there are some who write exceptionally negative or flowery reviews, for the most part, former hotel guests are even handed in praising where it is deserved and complaining where warranted. It is the job of ever person from the custodial staff and housekeeping to the night auditor and general manager to make sure your experience is a great one and they know this. After all, occupancy rates matter a great deal to every hotel employee. The bottom line is that you matter to the hotel staff, as a hotel guest, as a person and as a revenue source. What you think matters as it ultimately effects occupancy rates, which is why you often find cards asking for your opinion; they want to know what you thought, the theory being that your words will be taken to heart and carpets that need cleaned will be, sheets that need to be thrown out in favor of new ones will be and customer service agents who don’t answer the phone will learn to do so. Hotels want your business and now more than ever before, they know they must earn it. Great amenities help them do just that.
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