Here we shall explore smoking and look to how it fits into the get pregnant tips category. Many experts now agree that a significant number of babies whose Mothers smoked before and/or during pregnancy were born with smaller than normal airways. This could make them more vulnerable to breathing problems after birth. These potential breathing problems could put the baby at increased risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Smoking has been linked to many and various health problems in new born babies, including premature arrival and low birth weight. Mothers who smoke immediately before and during their pregnancy are at an increased risk of having a stillbirth, miscarriage or premature baby. Smoking while pregnant, in particular, will lower the amount of oxygen available to you and your growing baby and increase your baby's heart rate. These health factors also contribute to raising the SIDS risk for such babies, and in the child's case decreased ability to breathe adequately or take in enough oxygen for a restful, restorative night's sleep, which is an essential part of the baby development process. Babies born to mothers who have smoked immediately before they conceived or during pregnancy are significantly lighter and shorter than those born to Mothers who have not smoked at all. Children who are exposed to tobacco smoke before birth or in the home are far more likely to suffer from a number of respiratory illnesses and infections, which can also contribute to a decrease in quality of life for the baby. The more cigarettes the Mother smokes per day, the greater is the baby's chances of developing these and other health problems. Studies have shown that a baby's risk of SIDS rises with each additional smoker in the household, with the number of cigarettes smoked each day, and with the length of exposure to cigarette smoke. This in itself is an alarming fact. So give your baby and yourself the best possible chance by not smoking before you conceive, during pregnancy and when you return home from hospital. Your baby will thank you for these get pregnant tips and you will sleep better knowing your baby's risk for SIDS is greatly diminished. For more infor from Mike Matthews go to get pregnant tips
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