State law requires drivers to carry automobile insurance. Not doing so is a violation of the law and subjects the driver to fines. If you have allowed your auto insurance coverage to lapse, you can expect to pay more for your replacement insurance. It may be difficult to find a Utah auto insurance company willing to provide coverage, but it's not impossible. Here are a few things to consider when looking for auto insurance after a lapse in coverage. Understand what a lapse in automobile coverage is. A lapse in coverage occurs when you do not have automobile insurance on a registered vehicle. Regardless of whether the vehicle has been garaged at your home and not driven or used every day, if it is registered for use on public roads and you don't carry the state-mandated liability insurance, it is considered a lapse. If you surrendered your license plates to the Department of Motor Vehicles and subsequently canceled your coverage, that is not considered a lapse. Search for a new insurance company. Many Utah auto insurance companies will not want to insure you because of the lapse in coverage. They consider you a high-risk driver. You might have to approach assigned risk insurance companies to secure coverage. Every state has a pool of insurance companies that must provide auto insurance for difficult to insure drivers. Visit the Department of Insurance in your state for a listing of assigned risk insurance companies. Tell the truth on your auto application. The Department of Motor Vehicles is notified every time there is a lapse of insurance coverage. When completing the application for new insurance, tell the truth about the coverage lapse. Don't make a bad situation worse. Lying on your application is grounds for the Utah auto insurance company to void (not cancel) your coverage. Voided coverage means that the policy is erased as if it were never in effect. That can prove to be damaging if the void happens a few months into the policy term. Expect to pay high premiums. In addition to fines imposed by the state for violating Utah auto insurance laws, look to pay high premiums on your next auto insurance policy. Insurance companies penalize drivers who have allowed their policies to lapse. Maintain a good driving record and keep automobile coverage in effect. If you maintain your coverage and keep a clean driving record, you become a better risk and stand a better chance of finding Utah auto insurance in the standard auto insurance market. If you can afford it, pay the entire year's auto premium up front to avoid the chance of missing payments and avoid a cancellation for nonpayment of premium. eHow. “How to Get Auto Insurance After a Lapse in Coverage.” Cellina LaForey. 30 Dec. 2009 [].
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