All of those credit cards that you signed up for are now catching up with you. You've gotten so much debt that you can't breathe or function. They seemed like a good idea at the time, but now you need them just to survive each month. You are shuffling debt around to your various creditors like a shell game. You dream of having no debt and not worrying about all the unexpected bills each month. But it doesn't seem like a reality for you. But you can free yourself from the shackles of debt and all those bills will be distant memory. The first thing to getting rid of your debt is to increase your income. This may seem daunting but this can be done. If it means getting a part time job, having a yard or garage sale to get rid of the all the stuff that is collecting dust then that is what you'll need to do. Right now you have to take extreme measures to eliminate the debt. The only way to do this is to pay more than the minimum amount due. And you cannot do that without having additional funds to do it with. You can contact a debt consolidation company that will deal with your creditors directly for you. They act as a go between for you. They might even be able to get your total amounts lower. And they may even have counselors that will talk with you and answer any questions you have. This is something to think about for those that don't like the nasty phone calls from creditors and don't want to go about doing this themselves. You can see if you can negotiate a lower interest rate or transfer your debt to another credit card for a better rate. This will only work if you've been paying your bills on time and still have a decent credit rating. Sometimes even the threat of leaving may give them the incentive to lower the rate. This doesn't always work so be careful when negotiating. Read the fine print of your payments. If you car loan is based upon a daily average balance you might want to pay twice a month instead of just once as this will lower your daily rate and decrease the interest that you are charged. This can be done with the same amount of funds that you are already paying. Just make sure that you get both payments to the creditor prior to the due date. You can free yourself from debt. It doesn't have to be difficult nor painful. If you can create an additional income stream to help pay off debts, negotiate your interest rate, and change your number of payments you'll notice the debt amount decreasing. You may or may not decide to use a debt consolidating company but this is another component that will help you to free yourself and be debt free. Greg McGrath of Debt Control has been helping Australians with Debt Consolidation for the past 22 years. Contact us today to free yourself from debt.
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