One of the best ways to save money at college this semester is to rent your textbooks online instead of buying them at the bookstore. By renting textbooks, you eliminate all the financial guess work up front. You don’t have to lay down hundreds of dollars at the beginning of the semester and wonder at the tiny percentage you’ll get back at the end. The textbook rental industry is still fairly new, and students may still have a lot of questions about it. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about renting textbooks. 1. How much money will it save? Renting textbooks online can actually save you hundreds of dollars! Textbook rentals companies rent their books at 50% to 85% off the list price. The price is less when dealing with used textbooks, but there are still some dramatic savings to be had. 2. Are rental textbooks in good condition? Most rental companies only rent textbooks that are in new or like new condition. None of their books will have missing pages, worn text, handwriting, excessive highlighting or missing covers. If you receive a book in poor condition, most companies are willing to exchange it for free. 3. Can I highlight or write in a rental textbook? It depends on the company. Limited highlighting is normally allowed, bur writing in a textbook is never allowed. Remember, they hope to rent this book again after you return it, so it should be us usable condition. 4. How do I return my textbooks? The return method is incredibly simple. Most rental companies include a return label. All you have to do is put the textbook back into the box I came in, slap on the provided return label and drop it off at your nearest post office. Easy, huh? 5. Are there late fees? Yep. Most rental companies charge a pretty substantial fee for late books. Fortunately, you have the option to extend your rental period. If you need to keep the textbook longer than expected for whatever reason, you can extend your rental period by 15 days, 30 days, a quarter, or even an entire semester. You also have the option to purchase the book if you decide you want to keep it.
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