My tranquil garden is my sanctuary. It is a place that conjures the powerful feelings of belongingness where rest and renewal happens. Here I expect tranquility and peace. I expect protection from the demanding world we participate in. Thus, we invest our life-savings in our homes and as part of that we make a relaxing, soothing and calming place. In my case it is the tranquil garden! For others, sanctuary my be in the home itself. Home serves as a showcase of stature and success. It is where we entertain friends. It is an extension of one's identity and an avenue to display one's taste in design and art. Whatever the motivation is in investing or choosing a home to live in, we must be ready to embrace it as our sanctuary. In selecting your sanctury you must consider the aesthetics that make the home and garden pleasant to be in. There are a lot of choices for tranquility gardens. Setting up fountains for gardens, water features like a small attractive fountain or waterfall or even just an outdoor pond for that relaxing Zen effect. Undeniably, in the 21st century, another consideration for the benefits of the tranquil garden are the advent of the internet and the personal computer as a permanent fixture in almost every home. The cocooning trend of working at home makes the possibility of spending time in my tranquility garden even more compelling. The issues are no longer limited to just the aesthetic. More important to consider are the issues on health and wellbeing. I can go to my tranquil garden and enjoy the benefits of peace, calm and serenity at any time of the day or night. Make a part of your home a sanctuary or haven for you. It will help you overcome the strains and stresses of modern living. My tranquil garden is my sanctuary. If you want more info go to Mike's website. Mike Matthews
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tranquil garden, calm, serenity, peace, home. garden,