Finding appropriate tenants to occupy your home or apartment can make the whole renting experience easier. Don't pass up the chance for a personal interview with prospective tenants. Create a straightforward rental application form that each prospect must complete. Use the information provided on the rental application form to screen applicants and choose those most suitable. Step 1: Use any word processing software to create a rental application form. Open a blank document and insert the title, "Rental Application" in large, boldface type. Step 2: Create a table, allotting two main columns and at least ten rows to the first table. Size the table so that its dimensions are approximately 6 inches in width and 4 inches in height. Duplicate the table four times making the last two tables half the size in height of the first. Step 3: Add two subtitles in the two columns above the first table for "Applicant Information" and "Spouse's Information." Title every other row beneath each column "First and Last Name," "Date of Birth," "Social Security No.," "Driver License No. and State," "Type of Vehicle," "Year of Vehicle," "License Plate No." Insert one row extending into both columns for "Total No. of Vehicles," "Total No. of Occupants," "Relationship," "Pets" and "Total Number of Pets." Step 4: Move to the second table and insert the title, "Residence History." Eliminate the second column in this table only. Title every other row "Present Address, including City, State and ZIP," "Name and Phone No. of Present Landlord, including Apartment Community or Other," "Previous Residence Address, including City, State and ZIP." Eliminate the extra rows or save them to allow space for responses. Step 5: Insert the title, "Employment Information" for the third table. Add row titles in the first column such as "Applicant Employed By," "Address," "Previous Employment," "Address," "Spouse Employed By" and "Address." Begin on the same row in the second column and title the rows "Supervisor's Name and Length," "City, State, ZIP and Phone No." Repeat these last two row titles two more times. Step 6: Create a table for "Bank Information." Eliminate the second column. Make two rows of the following titles, leaving every other row blank for responses, "Name of Bank," "Checking or Savings," "Address, including City, State and ZIP" and "Account No." Alternatively, create a separate column for spouse's bank information if they maintain separate finances. Step 7: Devote the last table to "References." Make two columns, one each for the applicant and spouse. Leaving every other row blank, create at least two rows of the following titles, "Name, Relationship and Phone Number." At the bottom of the application insert in boldface type that "Each co-resident, except spouse, must submit a separate rental application form." eHow. “How to Write a Rental Application Form.” eHow Contributing Writer. 27 Aug. 2009 [].
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