With two thirds of adults overweight many people want to lose weight and are spending billions of dollars each year on quick fix weight loss solutions. These solutions mostly do not work, are temporary or cause more problems than they solve. Whether you want to lose 10 pounds of body fat or 100, the key is to avoid gimmicks, myths, quick fixes or anything that says fast and easy. It is far better to focus on sustainable changes that produce long lasting and permanent results. These changes are what will slowly but surely whittle away at those body fat stores and lower your risk of a nasty lifestyle disease that could wreck your life. The answer to your weight problems lies in your strength and fitness which is maintained with a proper exercise program that contains strength training exercise. This is very important as many people when trying to lose weight often do long and non productive cardio type sessions ? walking, jogging or cycling at a relatively low level of intensity. We know now that this is not the most efficient way to burn off unwanted body fat. People gravitate to those types of activity because they are 'easy' and not much physical 'effort' is needed, but to really make a difference to your body your exercise program has to address the rebuilding of your metabolism (your body's engine). To get the shift in your metabolism and the rate your body burns fuel to get and stay slim and lean depends on upgrading your strength while supporting your exercise program with good nutrition. Your toned muscle tissue is what drives your metabolism and only strength training exercise will address working and strengthening your major muscle groups. What this does to your metabolic engine is to increase its fuel (calorie) burning. You need to increasing this burning of fuel every minute of the day and night whether you are active or whether you are sitting on the couch watching television. Strong and fit people in the course of their daily activities and exercise workouts can burn a couple of thousand calories more daily than unfit and sedentary adults. This same mechanism will work for you too. Increase your strength through proper exercise and help your body run at its best and most efficient so that it is more inclined to burn off excess body fat for fuel. You will also experience new found energy levels. This is not an instant fix; it could take up to 12 months or longer to reverse the fat storing problem into a fat burning solution. It is important to seek the help of a fitness professional so you do get the fastest results that are possible to shed unwanted body fat and keep it off. They will monitor your program and update it along the way. Combine all this with a satisfying, healthy foods eating plan that supports your fitness goals and you have the only true formula for sustaining a lean, strong and healthy body for life. Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook I've Found the Fountain of Youth- Let Me Show You Too! here: Secrets To Longevity For Free Fitness Report here Fitness Weight Loss Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger.
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