Many people use Article marketing as a form to advertise their business because it brings traffic to your website by writing short articles related to your business industry. All you do is write and article and once written you have one written and submitted to the article directories, the business makes these articles freely available for anyone to read online who wants that type of information. What you need to do then is at the end of each article there is what is called a "resource box or somethings called a bio box" which include basic information and contact information for that business. There is a saying that content really is king for getting traffic, a written article which is sent out for free, has the potential of gaining not only tons of traffic, but also build up the authors credibility. When this happens then trust is formed and new clients come into your business. You may not know it but Article marketing has been around almost as long as paper print advertsing. Just like the online forms of advertsing, it is all about getting free press to your business! Once the online marketing world took off, so did article marketing With the role of providing publishers with essentially free content and advertisers with essentially free advertising. There are alot of ways to advertise your business but one of the biggest advantages for using article marketing online is the use of articles for search engine optimization. This alone can give any business totally free traffic to their online business.
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