Fugitive dust is a unique problem that is made by human activity when interacting with their surrounding environment. This is not a manmade pollutant. Fugitive dust is not emitted from any chimney, smoke stack or vent. Rather, this is a small solid or liquid particle that arises from the soil every time a person, animal, wind or object passes over it and disturbs it. A good example of this is a sand storm. Fugitive dust is a persistent problem in the dry locations of the western part of the US. This problem develops wherever long dry conditions exist and the moisture has evaporated from the top soil. This has become an area of concern for those who suffer from breathing problems. The average size of the fugitive dust is 10 micrometers or less. This small size particle can stay airborne for days or even weeks, depending on the wind conditions. Because of the particle's small size, it has the ability of entering someone's respiratory system. This is the reason for concern. This small, but hard particle can damage the lungs and cause long term respiratory issues. This has become a major source of concern from the State of Idaho all the way down to New Mexico. Because of this, cities like Albuquerque have developed reports that will help people and business reduce this problem in their respective areas. Methods for reducing fugitive dust vary, but include watering down the land with hoses or water trucks. Using wind fences have also shown to help decrease the amount of dust that becomes airborne. The most repeated method for controlling this form of dust is the growing of plant life in the affected area. The best way to stop fugitive dust during high wind conditions is to stop working in those areas until the winds die down. Additional information can be found regarding how silt fencing can be used to control erosion from getting out of hand. Check out the Dust Stop Zone for more Free information.
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