Deciding on the appropriate dust collector system for your place will depend on your source of dust and what level you desire to clean it up. The reason for a dust collector system is to improve the quality of indoor air in your facility. The origin of the dust will help you choose a solution to meet your specific needs. For larger facilities, a large centralized system is the most effective and efficient means to accomplish the goal of cleaning the inside air. There are several components that will be needed to make this system work properly. The fume hood is the beginning point to collecting the fine dust particles. It should be placed over the source of the dust and needs to be close enough to do a good job without getting in the way of production. The size and power of suction will be decided by the particle that is to be picked up. The hoods will need to be connected by a series of duct work. This is a sealed system that keeps the dust suspended until it reaches the collection point. The longer the duct work system is, the more suction power is required to keep the dust suspended in the air. This is the purpose of a centrally located hopper to collect the dust. If your plant has different types of dust, and the dust is reusable or sellable, then several different systems could be more economical. The hopper is the part that will separate the dust from the air. This regularly has a set of filters or bags to achieve this. If the collected dust needs to be placed back into the production process, this will be changing a waste product into a raw material. This can save money in your process. If that is not feasible, then the dust might have a resale value. This is an aspect that will be determined by your product and process. The last component is the source of power. This is a type of fan that will make the suction to collect the dust. An underpowered fan will be nothing but problems. This is the key ingredient to your system and should be engineered correctly. There is a dust collector system to meet your needs. Know what your need is and investigate the possibilities. Additional information can be found regarding how an erosion control blanket can be used to keep dust contained, especially in construction areas where dust is most prevalent. Check out the Dust Stop Zone for more Free information.
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