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Showing 351 to 375 of 500 Articles in World News.
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351. South Korea Bans Transportation of Poultry to Fight Bird Flu
December 11, 2016

South Korea's agriculture ministry said on Monday it will issue a temporary nationwide ban on the transportation of poultry to contain the spread of bird flu, with 43 outbreaks recorded in Asia's fourth-largest economy. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs said in a statement that the movement control order will be effective for 48 hours, from 1500 GMT on Monday or midnight in Seoul. Since the first outbreak of a severe strain of bird flu known as H5N6 was...... (read more)

Author: (Reuters)

352. South Korea PM to be Briefed on State Affairs After Park Impeachment
December 11, 2016

Having taken over the reins of state, South Korean Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn will begin receiving official briefings from aides of disgraced President Park Geun-hye on Monday, following her impeachment by parliament at the end of last week. Hwang has sought to calm anxiety over national security and to reassure financial markets, while Park's presidency is held in limbo pending the outcome of a Constitutional Court review of her impeachment, which may take up to 180 days. Until...... (read more)

Author: (Reuters)

353. Japan Protests China's Claims of 'Dangerous and Unprofessional' Conduct by Fighters
December 11, 2016

Japan said on Monday it had protested strongly against China's allegations its fighter jets had engaged in "dangerous and unprofessional" behavior when they scrambled Saturday as Chinese aircraft flew between Okinawa and Miyako islands. Chinese military aircraft flew over waterways near self-ruled Taiwan - seen by Beijing as a renegade province - on Saturday as part of long-range exercises, Taiwan said. "I have received a report from the defense minister that the...... (read more)

Author: (Reuters)

354. Thousands Participate in Rio de Janeiro Gay Pride March
December 11, 2016

The full rainbow of Brazil's gay life was on display, from sequined drag queens to rainbow-colored angels. "It is a great coming together, heterosexuals, gays, lesbian and all the mixes, all fighting for the same thing, which is equal rights," said Brazilian drag queen, Elo Pinheiro said. The country recognized same-sex marriage in 2013 and hosts some of the world's largest gay pride festivals. This year's theme was "I am my gender identity" as...... (read more)

Author: (Reuters)

355. Santa in Trouble? Reindeer Shrink as Arctic Warms
December 11, 2016

Reindeer are shrinking on an Arctic island near the North Pole in a side-effect of climate change that has curbed winter food for animals often depicted as pulling Father Christmas' sleigh, scientists said on Monday. The average weight of adult reindeer on Svalbard, a chain of islands north of Norway, has fallen to 48 kg (106 lb) from 55 kg (121 lb) in the 1990s as part of sweeping changes to Arctic life as temperatures rise, they said. "Warmer summers are great for reindeer...(read more)

Author: (Reuters)

356. Long in Making, DRC Launches New Park
December 11, 2016

The Democratic Republic of Congo contains some of the largest and most diverse rain forests in the world, but in recent decades it has suffered from deforestation and poaching. On December 10, the country celebrated the opening of its first national park since the 1970s.  The rain forest of the Congo Basin is second in size only to the Amazon and spans six African countries. More than half of that area is found in the Democratic Republic of Congo. On December 10, the DRC...... (read more)

Author: (William Clowes)

357. Possible Tillerson Choice for US Top Diplomat Raises Questions of Corporate vs National Interest
December 11, 2016

The central question facing Exxon Mobil Corp Chief Executive Rex Tillerson if he becomes U.S. secretary of state is whether a lifelong oil man with close ties to Russia can pivot from advancing corporate interests to serving the national interest. Tillerson, 64, got his start as a production engineer at Exxon in 1975 and has worked there ever since, running business units in Yemen, Thailand and Russia before being named chief executive in 2006. He was expected to retire next...... (read more)

Author: (Reuters)

358. Report: Syrian Rebels Receive US-backed Proposal for Abandoning Aleppo
December 11, 2016

Three Syrian opposition officials say outmatched rebels battling Russia-backed government forces in eastern Aleppo have received a U.S.-backed proposal to join with civilians in leaving the city, under safe passage guaranteed by Russia. Reuters news agency reported the proposal late Sunday, saying rebel groups had not yet responded.  The report further stated that Russia insisted no final deal had been reached. If endorsed by all sides, the agreement would open the way for an end...(read more)

Author: (Lou Lorscheider)

359. Islamic State Mounting ‘Fierce,’ ‘Creative’ Defense of Mosul
December 11, 2016

Nearly two months into the assault on the Islamic State’s last major stronghold in Iraq, the unbridled optimism that accompanied the initial, rapid advance is gone. Iraqi security forces, which had cut through IS defenses in the outer suburbs of the northern city of Mosul, have met with stiffer than expected resistance in the city’s east.  Their losses have been significant and, to both Iraqi and U.S. officials, surprising. “They front-loaded the fight,” a U.S. official told VOA,...... (read more)

Author: (Jeff Seldin, Jamie Dettmer)

360. Official: 'Some' Haqqani Leaders Present in Pakistan
December 11, 2016

A top Pakistan Foreign Ministry official has said that “some” members of the terrorist Haqqani network are present in the country, but Islamabad is not allowing any group to conduct terrorist activities in Afghanistan. Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry has made the rare admission in an interview to the state-run Pakistani television PTV broadcast Sunday. The United States has designated the Haqqani network and its leadership as global terrorists for carrying out high-profile deadly...(read more)

Author: (Ayaz Gul)

361. Trump Again Dismisses Russian Hacking Charge
December 11, 2016

President-elect Donald Trump is rejecting U.S. intelligence agencies’ conclusions that Russia attempted to influence last month’s presidential election by hacking American political entities and selectively releasing the data obtained. VOA’s Michael Bowman reports from Washington, where there are growing questions about the relationship the next commander in chief will have with the nation’s intelligence community.... (read more)

Author: (Michael Bowman)

362. December 11, 2016
December 11, 2016

A look at the best news photos from around the world.... (read more)

Author: VOA News

363. Trump Questions Whether US Should Continue 'One China' Policy
December 11, 2016

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump questioned Sunday whether the United States should continue its "one China" policy that includes its Taiwan province, unless Beijing offers concessions on trade and other issues. "I don't want China dictating to me," Trump said in a wide-ranging interview on Fox News. He defended his recent phone conversation with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, the first contact between a Taiwan leader and a U.S. president or president-elect...... (read more)

Author: (Ken Bredemeier)

364. On Iraq Front Lines, Hope and Concern Over Trump War Policy
December 11, 2016

Bullets wiz into the sand outside the Iraqi Army base, an abandoned home on the edge of the village, as two wounded men are carried into pick-up trucks, just back from a nearby battle. The vehicles race into the desert, leaving plumes of dust in their wake. Dozens of miles from Mosul, on the Iraqi Army’s southern front, soldiers battling Islamic State here are moving forward, slowly capturing farms, towns and villages against fierce resistance.   Coalition support is more of a...... (read more)

Author: (Heather Murdock)

365. Kurdish Militant Group Claims Bomb Attack that Killed 38 in Istanbul
December 11, 2016

A Kurdish militant group has claimed responsibility for the bombings that killed at least 38 people and wounded more than 150 others in the Turkish city of Istanbul.. The claim was made Sunday by the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons, or TAK, a group seen as an offshoot of the outlawed PKK. The blasts rocked a huge football stadium late Saturday. Witnesses and authorities said the attacks — a car bombing and a suicide blast — targeted security officers two hours after a...... (read more)

Author: (VOA News)

366. Trump: CIA Conclusion 'Ridiculous' that Russia Interfered to Help Him Win Election
December 11, 2016

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump says the Central Intelligence Agency conclusion that Russia interfered in last month's presidential election to boost his chances of winning was "ridiculous," calling it was "just another excuse" by Democrats for his upset of former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. "I don't believe it. If you take a look at what [the CIA] said, there's great confusion," Trump said Sunday. "Nobody really knows. They...... (read more)

Author: (VOA News)

367. Italian President Names Paolo Gentiloni as New Prime Minister
December 11, 2016

Italian President Sergio Mattarella chose Paolo Gentiloni to form a new government after reformist leader Matteo Renzi lost a referendum on constitutional reform, on which he had staked his job. Gentiloni is expected to hold the post until February 2018 elections.  After the announcement, he vowed to move “within the same framework” as Renzi’s outgoing government. “Not by choice, but out of a sense of responsibility I will be forming a government based on the outgoing majority,”...(read more)

Author: (VOA News)

368. Blast at Cairo’s Coptic Cathedral Kills 20
December 11, 2016

An explosion at Cairo's Coptic Orthodox cathedral complex Sunday kills at least 20 people and wounded 35 others. MENA, Egypt's official news agency, reports an assailant threw a bomb into a chapel at St. Mark's, in Cairo's Abbassia district.... (read more)

Author: VOA News

369. Iran Says It's Finalized $16.6B Boeing Deal to Buy 80 Planes
December 11, 2016

Iran said Sunday it has finalized a $16.8 billion deal with Boeing to purchase 80 passenger planes, a deal made possible by last year's landmark nuclear agreement.   The state-run IRNA news agency said 50 Boeing 737s and 30 Boeing 777s would be delivered over the next decade, in the biggest agreement to be struck with an American company since the 1979 revolution and U.S. Embassy takeover. Boeing had no immediate comment.   In September, Washington granted permission to...... (read more)

Author: (Associated Press)

370. Indonesia Police: Arrest of Woman in Bomb Plot Points to New Militant Tactic
December 11, 2016

Indonesian police on Sunday were hunting for more suspects linked to a foiled plot to bomb targets in Jakarta, with the arrest of a woman among a trio detained a day earlier pointing to a new recruitment tactic by Islamist militants, they said. Authorities are also concerned about smaller cells being formed by militants in Muslim-majority Indonesia, which is grappling with a resurgence in homegrown militancy, inspired in part by Islamic State. Counter-terrorism police were looking for...(read more)

Author: (Reuters)

371. Bombs Target Turkish Police
December 11, 2016

Turkey declares a national day of mourning, one day after two explosions in Istanbul killed at least 38 people and wounded many others.... (read more)

Author: VOA News

372. Islamic State Fighters Recapture Palmyra
December 11, 2016

A Syrian monitor says Islamic State jihadists have recaptured the Syrian city of Palmrya, during what has become a back-and-forth battle for control of the famed desert city. Rami Abdel Rahman of the British-based monitor group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Sunday, "Despite the ongoing air raids, IS retook all of Palmyra after the Syrian army withdrew south of the city." Earlier Sunday, the Observatory and the Russian Defense Ministry said more than 60...... (read more)

Author: (VOA News)

373. Macedonians Vote in Early Elections After Wiretap Scandal
December 11, 2016

Polls opened Sunday in Macedonia for a general election called two years early as part of a Western-brokered agreement to end a paralyzing political crisis. The crisis began after the opposition accused the conservative government of an illegal wiretapping operation that targeted 20,000 people, including politicians, judges, journalists, police and religious leaders. Former conservative Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, who had headed the government since 2006, is seeking a fresh...(read more)

Author: (Associated Press)

374. Blast at Cairo’s Coptic Cathedral Kills 20, Wounds 35
December 11, 2016

Egyptian officials say a blast at Cairo’s main Coptic Christian cathedral Sunday has killed at least 20 people and wounded 35 others. There has been no claim of responsibility for the attack at St. Mark’s Cathedral in central Cairo. MENA, Egypt’s official news agency, said an assailant threw a bomb into a chapel close to St. Mark’s outer wall. Copts make up about 10 percent of Egypt’s population.  ... (read more)

Author: (VOA News)

375. Kerry Granted France’s Highest Award, Legion d’Honneur 
December 11, 2016

France has granted U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry its highest award, the Legion of Honor (Legion d’Honneur). French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault bestowed the award on Kerry Saturday in Paris after a meeting to discuss Syria. Ayrault called Kerry “the most French of American officials” and a “tireless champion of peace.” France’s top diplomat paid tribute to the sincerity of Kerry’s political and diplomatic engagement, citing his contributions to the historic 2015 climate...(read more)

Author: (VOA News)

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