The multimedia industry involves a variety of difference mediums, including print, broadcast, film, computer technology and digital communications. Individuals interested in a career in multimedia usually choose just one to focus all their energy on. The digital medium has recently given rise to an entirely new class of communications that combines elements of traditional media with “interactivity,” or the ability for the viewer to decide how they want to experience a given communication. Multimedia is the collective title for a large variety of communications delivered in several different ways, including kiosks, CD-ROM games and educational programs, interactive business presentations, interactive websites and so much more. As different as these different types of media might seem, they all have several features in common. First, they all use audio, print and video to convey a message. Second, they allow users to choose how to navigate through the information presented. And third, they are developed and delivered using computer hardware and software. Individuals who have the ability to combine art with technology also have the ability to design and create multimedia products. These types of people come together as a team with different perspectives and are often hired on by independent studios to develop multimedia products. The leader of this team with meet with clients to decide what they hope to achieve with their interactive multimedia communication – whether it is a custom web design for consumers, an electronic sales kit for marketers, or a computer game with the latest realistic special effects and graphics. Then the leader works with his team of designers and developers to create the layout of the multimedia presentation using flowcharts. Art directors will design the look of the presentation, and programmers will write the computer codes and translate the ideas into a functional computer program. Each member of the team has a different responsibility with the project and is able to understand and appreciate the work that goes into the project by all the other team members. It is advantageous for individuals going into the multimedia industry to be very people oriented because there will be many occasions where you will have to listen well to clients and coworkers and communicate ideas and instructions accurately. You will almost always be working as part of a team. You will also need to know a lot about technology, especially in your specific multimedia medium. Technology is rapidly changing every day, and multimedia developers need to stay on top of these changes, always being able to learn a new programming language or development software. And finally, multimedia developers need to be adept at project management, including budgeting and scheduling. There are a lot of programs out there that focus on creating multimedia products. As a multimedia developer, you need to understand how to use most of these programs. You should also study graphic arts, film, writing and language arts. Programmers should study advanced mathematics, including analytical geometry. Experts of these programs are usually in high demand throughout the multimedia industry and will often find work whether they have any formal training or not. Because the multimedia industry is growing so rapidly, there is usually a high demand for skilled workers in general. However, that doesn’t mean the competition for these jobs won’t be fierce. Individuals in the field must be dedicated to keeping their skills as current as possible. Multimedia is a project-driven businesses, and multimedia developers often must put in long hours to meet deadlines. Successful multimedia developers see the need to work on any element of a project until it is done to their satisfaction, not just until they have logged a set number of hours. As a developer you will need to be self-disciplined and able to balance a variety of tasks over the course of a given day. With an upbeat, optimistic personality, you will do well in this field. The stress involved in multimedia production can be overwhelming, and workers need to focus their energies on identifying and solving problems.
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