Over the years and due to the growth in technology, several varieties of electronics have been introduced. We have computers, mobile phones, digital cameras, video game consoles, etc. We have relied on these items to be our way of relaxation or diversion from our daily busy schedule. Video games and computer games have not only become a fad for both kids and adults but has become a part of our lives. Parents have worries that these may lead to addiction or violence in their kids. They are various articles written pertaining to the negative effects of these games, but how about looking at positive effects of playing these games? The early generation of gamers is in their adulthood now. They still carry their love for gaming up until now. It has been a way of life for several years now. Gaming is a hobby or diversion that most have thought only have negative effects on people. Let us change that notion by looking at the positive effects of gaming instead of just the negative ones. What do we actually get from playing these games? The following are some of the advantages of video/ computer games: 1. Playing games help children gain self-confidence. There are some games that indirectly help children gain self-confidence, not to mention competitiveness. 2. Games promote social kills in children as most computer games now involve playing in a team. Thus, also teach children of leadership skills. 3. Motivation, problem solving and cognitive skills are enhanced when playing these games. People are encouraged to strive harder just to reach the next stage in the game. 4. Some games teach gamers of decision making. It develops your skill in making strategies and plans in improving your character in a game. 5. Some medical institutions use playing of games as a way of therapy for people who are recovering from a physical injury. The reason to this is that these games improve motor and coordination skills. 6. A good brain exercise – concentration and analytical skills enhancement. 7. Improves eye and hand coordination. 8. Good bonding time for the family is another advantage of playing games that is often overlooked. Too much of anything is harmful. Thus, too much of gaming may be harmful. But if we learn to play games in moderation, we do not only entertain ourselves but also get so much more benefits from it. We should not always look at only one side of a story. Video games have also several advantages for kids and adults alike. So, look for your favorite video game collection software and experience gaming like no other.
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