There are many unique characteristics that define Canada, and tourists are sure to have a pretty interesting time here. Niagara Falls: The worldly renowned tourist attraction is hardly a secret for anyone, but to hear of it, see it in pictures, and experience it first-hand are three completely different things. The expression 'wow' may certainly fall short of the amazement and awe that one experiences when in front of the majestic Falls. As the water roars, all the while creating an effect of liquid glass, it creates a mist that spans a great distance. Despite the fact that the Niagara is the 50th tallest waterfall in the world, its dominance in terms of the sheer spectacle it is can not be fathomed by any other natural wonder of this kind. Irrespective of whether it's day or night, summer or winter, the 14 million visitors who drop in annually don't let any kind of deterrent get in their way of witnessing the Falls in all their fervour. The phenomenon in winters is all the more intriguing, as the flow is almost hidden, and the edges are frozen, but the hordes of spectators still crowd with enthusiasm. The Falls are also an apt honeymoon destination, and many motels, fast food joints and casinos have opened up around the falls to complete the picture! Some call it the mini Las Vegas, but the fact of the matter is that there is no stopping the Falls from rising in the priority list of tourists. The Northern Peninsula: Pointing upwards like an index finger from Newfoundland, the Northern Peninsula is certainly Newfoundland's highlight in many ways. Two World Hertage Sites are present here – the Gros Morne National Park, which has many unique geological characteristics, so to speak, and lakes resembling fjords, situated at the base of the peninsula; on the other hand, the 1000-year-old Viking settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows resides at the tip of the peninsula. The Viking Trail is an interesting discovery that passes near the sea, moving north crossing Port au Choix’ ancient burial grounds. The overall region is busting with tourists as the years go by, and the best time to visit is July and August. Churchill: The wide expanses and open environment of Churchill welcome one like very few destinations in the world do, but then again, Canada is indeed a country like none other. The city is sparsely populated, but thanks to the number of tourists coming in, it feels just like any other metropolitan in many regions. Those expecting to see polar bears on the sidewalks of the jungle-ridden roads will be in for a disappointment, and so will those who expected a bug-free zone. But once a person gets past all this, there are a host of activities like kayaking, capturing the scenic beauty in one's camera, and soaking in all the culture. Matrix international calling cards, with their economical calling rates and fantastic network coverage, give the best calling experience from any part of the world back home. Indeed, there are an essential requirement while on a trip to Canada. For more information related to international SIM card, sim card for Canada, International communication, international travelling sim cards please visit: -
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