Reiki is the spiritual art of focusing energy through the body, called chi or qi, via touch to heal ailments and calm the spirit. The name of this system comes from the Japanese word "Rei" meaning "God's power and wisdom" and "Ki" meaning the life force that flows through everything. Reiki was first developed in Japan in 1922 by Dr Mikao Usui, who sought a way to help his patients heal on a spiritual and metaphysical level, and who discovered that by helping his patients guide their own energy, their bodies healed more efficiently. In its simplest form, Reiki is simply a person consciously focusing and moving their chi within their body, or in the body of the person who they are treating. Energy is beamed to the various chakras of the body in order to restore balance with the universe. A Reiki healing session will generally begin with the recipient of the energy either laying down or sitting up, in which ever is more comfortable for them, and recipients stay fully clothed. The therapist will start the session by saying a prayer to center themselves, lay their hands either on the recipient’s body directly, or just above, and then channel energy from the universe, through their own body, and into the recipient. The practitioner will utilize 12 to 15 different hand positions, palms held down, fingers extended. They will hold each position over the body’s chakras, or energy centers, until they can no longer feel the energy flowing into that spot, usually 3 to 5 minutes for each hand position. Depending on the requirements of the session, a practitioner might start with the crown chakra at the base of the head, or the root chakra at the base of the spine and work their way up or down. Though every reiki session varies based on the practitioner, many choose to incorporate other spiritual healing modalities with reiki sessions. A popular modality is resonance therapy, which uses sound waves and specific tones on the scale to activate chi and chakra points. Reiki therapists will use the sound to amplify their own ability to channel energy. Sometimes, reiki therapists will also use crystals and colored lights for this same purpose. A reiki session will generally last between 60 to 90 minutes, and most therapists will ask that you schedule multiple sessions for the best results. Reiki is not just something you have to get from a practitioner. You can request from a Reiki master to be attuned. In an attunement, the master utilizes spiritual symbols, which they draw in the air then beam into the recipient’s crown, third eye, and heart chakras, as well as into their hands. After being attuned, a person can use reiki to heal themselves and others. There are 3 levels of Reiki attunement: Level 1, which allows for healing people via touch, Level 2, which allows for healing people via touch and distance, and Level 3, which allows for attuning others and passing the powers of reiki on. The common sense psychic reader provides articles, insight, tips and opinions on various today's spiritual subjects and where to get the services psychic services. Check his website.
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