Are you ready to powerfully align to your soul purpose and effortlessly create a joy-filled life beyond your wildest dreams? You can achieve this through the infinite wisdom of your soul’s blueprint: your Akashic Records. When you choose to extend from the Universal Creative Life Force as an independent soul, you created a sacred field of energy around your soul to record your every thought, deed and action. That field of energy is also referred to as the Akasha which is Sanskrit for the energetic substance from which all life is formed. Not surprisingly, when you are in the energy of your soul, you receive deep, transformative healing from learning the truth about who you are, why you are here and why events and patterns occur in your life. As the saying goes, ‘the truth shall set you free.” Being fully aligned to your soul’s blueprint also allows you to complete soul contracts and fulfill your divine mission which is the deepest level of healing that you can provide yourself. Just Imagine the infinite healing possibilities. Really give yourself amount to take that in. Being in the healing energy of your Records overrides illusion of separation from “all that is’, which eliminates any fear you may have and allows you to be in a state of love. Love creates a state of balance, and dis-ease cannot exist in a state of balance. Thus, your Akashic Record holds the golden key to unlock your unlimited and divine potential, allowing you to re-member who you really are and were meant to be. It is in this state that you have the clarity to shift from being a passive to an active participant in your life so that you are free to co-create with Spirit. Your Records allow you to re-member that your deepest fear is not being a failure, it is separation from Source and living in that power; the power to be all that you are. You were born to manifest the grace of the Divine within you and when you shine this light, you automatically give others permission to do the same. What a gift for you to give! So what information is appropriate for you to inquire about in your Records? Since infinite, miracle-rich healing possibilities exist for you while working in your Records, there are many areas that you may wish to focus on. For example, you may consider asking questions about how you can: - achieve optimum health; - heal your phobias; - permanently shift your repeating patterns; - heal and complete soul contracts with yourself and others; - access and/or heal you past/parallel lives; - discover and fully align to your life’s purpose; - awaken your divine gifts and talents; - create harmonious relationships with yourself and others; - align to the most joyous path in your career or business direction; - envision the most abundant, purpose-filled future - and so much more! Really take a moment to feel the expansiveness of all of the limitless opportunities for soul’s acceleration available to you in you sacred Akashic Records. As an aside, please know that there are pros and cons to accessing information in your own Records. On the one hand, it can be very empowering to facilitate your own healing rather then deferring your power to someone else and trusting that their filter is not getting in the way of you receiving the most accurate information on your behalf. On the other hand, having someone else access information in your Records can mitigate the self-doubt that may arise for you. It is natural for you to question information that you receive on your own as you learn to trust your intuition and hear the messages from your guides, ascended masters and teachers. When you allow ego (edging God out) to get in your way, you then create blockages to receiving information that is intended for your highest good and soul’s growth. Here are some helpful tips for you to consider when accessing your Akashic Records: 1) Work with a fully conscious mind, be aware of your environment, keep your eyes open to avoid trance channeling. 2) Avoid driving and operating heavy machinery. Also avoid drugs, alcohol, and other low vibration substances while in your Records. 3) Ensure that you are in the energy of love and grace before opening your Records. 4) Create a list of questions to process in your Records to set your intention. 5) Intend to be honest with yourself even if the information does not make sense or you do not like what you are hearing. 6) Always say an invocation to honour the sacredness of this experience; this honours you and your Record Keepers. *(ie. God/Source/Universe, please open my Records and allow me to receive information that is most appropriate and for my soul’s growth at this time)* 7) Keep a journal for each of your consultations in your Records. Creating full awareness for yourself of repeating themes and patterns will allow you to facilitate deeper healing and connect fully with your divine identity. Your road ahead: Working in your Akashic Records, whether through someone else or on your own, is a very sacred experience. This is the deepest level of healing available to you. It is also very empowering to do this work as it allows you to be an active, empowerd participant in your life as you access deeper levels of awareness and ascension. As you transform through the work, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, others around you, and your role as a global and universal citizen. When this awareness occurs for you, there is a deeper connection to “all that is” as you awaken to the fact that healing yourself and raising your vibration not only benefits you, but everything around you. After all, the greatest gift that you can give to the universe is to heal yourself! If you are being called to permanently shift blocks that prevent you from living your most joy-filled life, now is the time to contact me today at so we can get clear about the best way for you to be served and powerfully aligned to your purpose. Now is your time to fully step into your greatness and share your divine gifts with others. Are you ready to take the next step on your soul’s journey? Jennifer Longmore, Soul Journeys® Empowerment and Enlightenment Coach, is a leading expert on Akashic Records and has served thousands of soul’s through Akashic Record Classes and Privates Sessions. She is an international healer, speaker, teacher, and founder of the Soul Journeys® School for Spiritual Studies and the Soul Journeys® Method. For more than 15 years, she has served clients, just like you, in permanently shifting the limiting beliefs and patterns that prevent you from being who you really are so that you can live your most abundant, aligned, and accelerated soul’s journey. ©Jennifer Longmore ~ Soul Journeys® ~ *A Miracle-Rich, Referral-Based, Soul Coaching Business*
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