An increase or reduction in the living wage in the UK has a direct impact on nursing care homes. Already, there has been a lot of debate over the proposed increase in the minimum living wage with some people supporting it while others oppose it. Of course, for the nurses who work in these institutions, this is good news because they are set to earn more. However, it is the employers who will be affected most by any change in the wages and this is the reason they are a worried lot. Here is all that you need to know about the living wage and how it can affect nursing care homes. The percentage of wages As per the statistics, about sixty percent of the costs of most care homes across the UK go to the staffs. If there is any increase in the minimum living wage, the only thing that can be expected is that this percentage will edge higher. For many businesses, this is almost unbearable and so, they are likely to be unable to cope financially. Already, there are care homes that are struggling financially with the current wage and so, it is unimaginable how they are going to fir on once the wage is increased. They would have to make major adjustments if they are to remain in business. Increased care home costs One of the options to sustain an increase in the minimum living wage in the UK is to increase the costs of services. The government funds the elderly care and so, it has to increase the amount of money allocated to this so as to sustain the increase. If the government is not willing to increase the amount allocated to care homes, there is likely to be a crisis. This is something that can easily affect the quality of services that are given in these homes, a situation that can have a big impact on the well-being of the people who need them. It might also mean that people would have to pay more in order to enjoy these services. The risk of shutting down Another thing that you need to know about the living wage and how it can affect nursing care homes chippenham is that once the wage goes up, many businesses that cannot cope are likely to shut down. It is impossible to run a care home when the costs outdo the income. This is a dangerous situation because it only means that many of the nurses who rely on this job for a living will find themselves without employment. Currently, the funding for adult social care is not adequate to take care of any rise in the wages and therefore, unless the government increases the funding, many care home owners will have no option but to close shop. Clearly, sustaining any increase in the minimum living wage depends in the UK, especially for nursing care homes workers depends on how the sector is funded. The government will have to increase its funding to realize the new wages.
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