The hidden elite world rulers with their global domination agenda continue apparently without significant opposition. With so many things not right in the world why aren't there more people protesting on the streets? Care of the elite world rulers and their lackeys; the world's foremost con artists politicians, media men, educationalists, corporate / bankers and other cogs-in-the-wheel... basically, people have been mass hypnotised to believe everything's fine. One of the biggest reasons why the people can't see right through this smoke and mirrors theatre of illusion is because they have been dosed with countless distraction to take their focus of attention away from the realization that their being screwed by the system. You can recognise those lost in distraction wilfully ignorant to the woes of the world. Some go about their lives reminiscent of a zombie apocalypse. Going about their lives in death-like trances their frozen faces stay fixed; fingers jabbing away on the latest distraction device: Mobile phone, MP3, computer games or there's the hundred-channel TV blurting out the latest garbage, killing conversation... Then there's another variation on a theme of the distracter factor which basically goes: "There's a lot of things not right in my life and the world about me and I need to sort them out...One day I will sort them out ..." but 'one day' never comes, because that person is too busy, busy hooked in with those things (just mentioned) that don't matter in their life. Further, not only does it take them away from the attention needed to deal with these things, feeling the pain crying out 'help!' from their inner being, but also the distraction keeps them too busy, busy hooked in stop them from personal growth. Consequentially, they become victims of their own imprisonment. Indeed that's exactly what the hidden powers that be want. How does it feel to know that you're being screwed in this way? Have these distractions suddenly lost their importance? Does the latest display of cute cats on your mobile, or game show option telly flick through, or swelling of your reputation scoring higher on High Command or getting more Facebook likes now seem less important? I watch some of these people huddled on trains or other places. They can't bear to do nothing, just BE. They have to flex their forefingers on some device... To just sit there and do nothing can be empowering: In the ineffable emptiness creativity kicks in. Ideas manifest and yes, the realization that something needs to be done to sort out your life and also make some contribution to the world. The key is in listening to your heart. Besides taking action and spreading the word about the evil hidden powers that be and their global domination agenda, focussed thoughts, feelings and emotions manifest reality and this is the key to creating a world that makes a difference for everyone. When people can give up at least some of that distraction and get involved in these things then not only do they get to sort their own lives but also they contribute to global transformation. How about that as an opportunity? If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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