Selecting a Weight-loss Program Safe and Effective for You Exercise, eating healthy and getting at least 8 hours of sleep leads to a healthy living and weight-loss for most people. But for others, sometimes a little bit more help from a weight-loss program can lead to positive outcomes. Most of the time it leads to better results than if they were go at it alone. But even though there are a lot of “successful” weight-loss programs out there with promises and raving reviews about how excellent Jane Doe had lost 20lbs through their program, their program might effect you different than it had Jane Doe for various reasons. Before you sign up for any weight-loss program, start off by visiting with your doctor or health care provider about losing the weight and prepare questions by writing them down and asking your doctor about them. Don’t feel shy about taking a pen and paper to your visit, it will help you organize your thoughts better and will help you remember what to ask. Some questions you could consider asking about losing weight are: What is a healthy weight for me? (Because we all are different.) Could my extra weight be caused by a health problem or by a medicine I am taking? How should I change my eating habits? (If you are vegan, gluten intolerant or have other food allergies.) What kind of physical activity should I avoid if I have any medical problems? (Asthma, old knee injury…etc) Could a weight-loss program help me? Which ones should I consider doing that is right for me? Your doctor can go over any questions you may have considering a weight-loss program, especially if you have any past or current health problems and will help set goals for controlling your weight. And don’t be afraid to ask questions when you don’t understand something. For a fruitful and long-term weight control, the program you choose or are considering should focus on your overall health. Losing weight is a lifestyle change. And with the weight-loss program promoting healthy habits it will help you manage your weight for the future. So taking the time to do your research in finding the right program for you will help move you along the path to living healthier faster. The author, Lorey Ohara, has been a family health advisor for over 18years and offers advice through blogs and articles still. For more info on weight-loss programs visit OBGYN of Phoenix.
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