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426. Power of choice
February 03, 2017

Power of choice? What is that exactly? Over thinking it confuses the issue. The ego loves all it's fancy so called choices. When we are awake choices are gone, for God's Spirit is Divinely moving through us and we intuitively know what to do (by God's grace). When we are divinely guided we simply are in correct action. God will always do the works through us. May we not get in the way and attempt to make our own personal choice. Grace is enough! God guides-we listen! 2 Corinthians 9:8And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you... (read more)

Author: Nanette Victoria

427. No More Tweezing and Shaving With Permanent Hair Removal in New York
January 29, 2017

Nothing is more unsightly than unwanted hair. You tweeze, only to have to tweeze again a few days later. You shave, only to have to shave again the next day. Whether you’re a woman or a man, you do not have to fight the battle of the fuzz the rest of your life. There are permanent ways to remove your unwanted hair, and the best one is via laser treatments from a licensed salon that specializes in hair removal in New York. Say goodbye to your tweezers and razors today. How it Works Inside each hair follicle, you have melanin, which is the same thing that gives your skin its pigmentati... (read more)

Author: Kevin Smith

428. 25 Magic Affirmations -- Be More Psychic
January 29, 2017

You’ve probably heard about how affirmations can improve your life. Some people claim that you can achieve anything you want with the power of positive thoughts. Anything? Does that mean you can become an NBA superstar, even though you’re 5’5”, 50 years old, can’t jump or run, and aren’t a team player? Perhaps not. But certainly, your thoughts and focus influence your reality, within the confines of your fate (much of which is set before your birth). Your fate has a lot to do with your abilities and what you can achieve. For example, in our many years of empirical resea... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

429. ‘Nude' is always in!
January 21, 2017

The Nude palette has armed us with tools to shape, shift and re-contour our fluid faces and reshape our silhouettes - hour-glass or not. IAnD revisits the trend that swishes silently behind the curtains… Christian Louboutin, not long ago, proclaimed: "nude is not a colour, it is a concept" - a concept that has revolutionized both makeup and apparel in its reductionist approach. Going nude has been seminal in the history of contemporary makeup. Sought in a palette of shades, it can be used to drive different effects, create shadow, recede features and highlight others. Nude makeup dri... (read more)

Author: Team IAnD

430. Hair Extensions
January 20, 2017

Hair Extensions have grown in popularity over the past few years and for good reasons. Read on to find out more about 'Hair Extensions'. Micro Rings Hair Extensions There are many Companies like Angel Hair Extensions who offer high-quality Micro Ring Hair Extensions in Milton Keynes. Micro Ring Hair Extensions involves using very small rings which are then bonded to the natural hair for a seamless and natural look. They are widely popular because they are virtually undetectable, and have the ability to blend beautifully with natural hair. Pre Bonded Hair Extensions Much like Micro ... (read more)

Author: Sarah Reis

431. Reincarnated--Past Lives of Famous People
January 15, 2017

Most people don’t realize that you can’t have karma without reincarnation, and the theory of reincarnation dictates you are the sum total of all your prior existences. Even though you don’t consciously remember, all your actions in past lives, negative and positive, created the challenges and rewards you experience today, along with your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual being. While our findings show there may be some exceptions (such as select souls choosing to incarnate with challenges they didn’t earn with the intent of helping humanity through their trials), you are a s... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

432. The Real Definition Of Healthy Work Life Balance
January 09, 2017

Work life balance is the separation between your personal life as well as your work life. It's the boundary that you create between your career or business and every personal segment that makes up your life. Regardless of your job, these sections comprise a community, personal growth, spirituality, fitness and well-being, and your loved ones and friendship. When you start to set up healthy boundaries between your personal life as well as your work life, you start to feel gratification and personal satisfaction. This occurs as an outcome of your state of wellness. Your mental state becomes cri... (read more)

Author: Supriya Nigam

433. Major Drug Administration Rules
January 04, 2017

It is crucial to be aware of the major rules of safe and efficient drug administration. Whether you are a doctor prescribing medications or a patient taking them, you should know and follow the main rules that will contribute to the success and efficacy of your treatment. The first thing, which should always be on your mind, is the safety aspect. The fact is that there are so many types of medications and each of them has its indications and contraindications. Correspondingly, you should be aware of the common rules of taking the medicines you have been prescribed to avoid the unwanted consequ... (read more)

Author: Aleksey Donets

434. Do You Know What the Future Holds? Hopeful Strategies for 2017
January 02, 2017

I got a call that Mama was in the hospital in July. She had fallen in the store. Falling is not a good event. Falling at 79 years old was not a good thing for my Mama. I found out that Mama had broken her pelvis. She was in the hospital now. Her doctor did not want to operate due to her age. That meant natural healing and a very slow recovery. Her doctor gave her a choice of rehabilitation at her home or a nursing facility. My Mama wanted the first. We, the children, wanted the latter. We knew it would be easy for her to accept the first because she would be in her comfort zone. Yet, I knew sh... (read more)

Author: Daryl Green

435. Pat Yourself on the Back for These Spiritual Accomplishments
January 02, 2017

Sometimes the most spiritually aware and evolved individuals question whether or not they are good people, which is a sign of humility. Alternatively, some of the most difficult troublemakers on the planet assume they are advanced souls. Many humans strive to treat others as they want to be treated. Others are too focused on themselves or don’t comprehend the spiritual importance of it. You probably accept basic spiritual tenets, such as karma and fate, if you regularly read our articles. Thus, you likely value spiritual awareness and doing the right thing, and may have made more sp... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

436. Instinct and feelings
December 28, 2016

This is article 7 of the 7 part Realitysculp series. Continuation from part 6 of the Realitysculp series. We have discussed how the context and content of data can be used to direct the conclusion people make, and we discussed how perception works and can be manipulated. What happens then? Now that this data is perceived, what takes place? In this section we will discuss the role of instincts and feelings (emotions) in human behavior. Through the feedback process of perception and the held world view, the meaning of the data is interpreted by the individual. Data received by percepti... (read more)

Author: R Jones

437. Association Filter
December 28, 2016

This is article 6 of the 7 part Realitysculp series. Continuation from part 5 of the Realitysculp series, the data received must be classified, sorted, or otherwise organized for it to have meaning. This process is called the Association Filter. Unlike the other filters, the Association Filter heavily interacts with the subconscious and the right brain. The right brain differs from the left in that it is concept orientated while the left brain is detail orientated. A way of expressing this is the old saying “He can’t see the forest for the trees”. In this example, the trees are the de... (read more)

Author: R Jones

438. Information Importance Filter
December 28, 2016

This is article 5 of the 7 part Realitysculp series. Continuation from part 4 of the Realitysculp series, the next step in the cycle is determination of information importance. This is done through a filter known as the Information Importance Filter (IIF). All data as it passes through this filter will be assigned a factor or degree of importance. This rating is relative to other data and is once again based upon the held world view. Using two young men from very different households, one grew up in America and has completed a college education; the other comes from Tibet, the happiest... (read more)

Author: R Jones

439. Attribute Assignments
December 28, 2016

This is article 4 of the 7 part Realitysculp series. Continuation from part three of the Realitysculp series, the next phase of information shaping is assignments of Attributes. Information that has not been classified as rejected will now pass through the “Color” filters. These filters assign attributes that classify where Information fits into the individuals World View. Note that once again we come back to the influence the individual’s construct of reality has on their perception. It is important to realize that choice is a critical component in the classification of information. ... (read more)

Author: R Jones

440. Perception - The Shaping of Information
December 28, 2016

This is article 3 of the 7 part Realitysculp series. Continuation from part 2 of the Realitysculp series, the next step in the cycle is Perception. Before going further, it is important to understand the meaning of perception as the term is used in the cycle. Wikipedia defines Perception as: The organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment. It further states that: All perception involves signals in the nervous system which result from physical or chemical stimulation of the sense organs. While every aspect o... (read more)

Author: R Jones

441. The Effects of Information
December 28, 2016

This is article 2 of the 7 part Realitysculp series. He who controls the content and the context of the information controls the attitudes, opinions, thoughts, and ultimately the actions of those receiving that information – Invisible 2016 Humans, as a self-aware and thinking creature, are natural users of information. Due to our unique capability to obtain, retain, comprehend, and connect information in ways incomprehensible to the lower animals, humans are not only masters of information, but critically dependent upon it. Data is our visibility into both the objective and subjecti... (read more)

Author: R Jones

442. The Realitysculp Cycle
December 28, 2016

This is article 1 of the 7 part Realitysculp series. In the absence of information people will seek to fill that absence anyway they can. Sometimes this information is born from baseless speculation, other times the source is a result of diligent research. In either case, those in authority can ill afford to allow this to occur if they wish to maintain control. – Invisible Reality 2015 There is not a person alive that would enjoy the notion that their actions, behavior, and least of all that their very thoughts could be manipulated to the point of control. Yet here we are at the ... (read more)

Author: R Jones

443. Affordable dentist in Leduc Alberta will be the best dentists for children
December 22, 2016

Children often had a tough time using their tooth care. Binging into toffees and chocolates, not cleaning correctly or washing their teeth often leads them to ruin a few of their teeth at least once. And with the pain a part of its particular care and the gums, it's not possible to provide comfort without getting the dentist them. And therefore there is a need of dentists who've greater understanding of the children’s conduct and caring for them while treating them. The dentists in hello dental are professionals within their field and strive to handle all the problems that a kid encounters usi... (read more)

Author: Mark Well

444. No more ‘Thinking About It'- Make a Decision to Take Action Today!
December 20, 2016

Never making the decision you know you need to make has been called ‘analysis paralysis’; ‘sitting on the fence’; ‘considering your options’; ‘waiting for the right time’ (when there is no right time); ‘not wanting to rush into anything’; and, in new age lingo ‘being kind to myself by NOT making a decision’. OMG, really? However, deep inside ourselves, if we’re willing to be honest, we know it by another name, and it’s not ‘procrastination’. It’s called “F.E.A.R.”. I know fear well, and my guess is that you do, too. We all do, if we’re honest. And the only difference between tho... (read more)

Author: Suzanne St. John Smith

445. Opposing Viewpoints--What Happens After Death
December 18, 2016

The life after death debate includes two main viewpoints. Either you believe in life after death (the afterworld, or heaven), or you believe that once you die your consciousness simply ceases to exist. Below we outline the two general belief systems regarding the life after death debate symbolized by two different individuals. 1. The first person believes in the body and mind and nothing else. He believes the concepts of heaven and hell are myths and the universe is chaotic and isn’t interconnected with humans. Modern scientific tenets are the foundation of his beliefs; hi... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

446. Advantages of Doing Microsoft Access Courses
December 15, 2016

Microsoft access is a database management system that is used as an electronic filing system. When Microsoft access is used, the user can easily modify any data within the database, submit any queries about all the information stored in it and also produce reports from the database. The database system is mostly for individual, small or medium sized business who would like to capture data, manage it well and then report the data in a professional way. It is a great option for professional data managers who often require advanced ways to report project data. The fact that using Microsoft ... (read more)

Author: Suman Dhankhar

447. I Believe the Scripture before Man, Because it Says it in the Scripture and Not Man
December 10, 2016

If you use any of this in your sermon you must quote, "This is from a disabled man named Robert S. Howard". Thanks for doing that.I Believe the Scripture before ManBecause it Says it in the ScriptureOne of the three books that Solomon wrote is, Ecclesiastes. In Ecclesiastes 1:9, I do believe the writing of this book was God inspired because, it is in the Bible. God had everything put in to his Word from the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. You may have to read, study, and wait for a while to get the meaning of something from His Word but, God will reveal certain things t... (read more)

Author: Robert Howard

448. How, Why, When, Where, & What we should Pray
December 10, 2016

How, Why, When, Where & What We Should PrayIf you use any of this in your sermon you must quote, "This is from a disabled man named Robert S. Howard". Thanks for doing that.Philippians 4:5-7 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.  Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. What was the first thing the Early Church did after Jesus' ascension? "They returned to Jerusalem…to an ... (read more)

Author: Robert Howard

449. The Practical Uses of Vibration Fitness Machines
December 08, 2016

The Practical Uses of Vibration Fitness Machines Vibration fitness machines facilitate whole body vibration which is an important component of many overall fitness training programs today. The use of vibration exercise platforms enhances the results of training regimens and adds variation to any fitness routine. Vibration machines are usually available in various models and capabilities to match the training needs and preferences of every user. Whole-body vibration exercise machines offer total body workout which is both effective and relaxing. These machines are rapidly gaining wide... (read more)

Author: Tony Mathews

450. ICT expenditure in South Korea is expected to Inflate: Ken research
December 05, 2016

Rapid digitalization has pushed Korean enterprises to invest in upgrade of their networks and improve their network efficiencies. Enterprises of all sizes opting for on-demand software solutions such as (SaaS) and (PaaS). Public segment IT projects requiring business change were six times more prone to experience cost invades than private sector. Ken research declared its latest publication on “ICT investment trends in South Korea; enterprise ICT spending patterns through to the end of 2017” offers insights on ICT budgets across the core segments of enterprise ICT expenditure s... (read more)

Author: Ankur Gupta

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