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Self Improvement Articles and Ezines

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Showing 326 to 350 of 500 Articles in Self Improvement.
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326. How to Protect Yourself From Evil Forces
November 05, 2017

Many of the world’s religious and spiritually inclined adhere to the belief that evil forces exist. Then there are those who reject the idea. In our experience, many individuals who doubt the existence of dark energies also reject the concepts of organized religion, God, and archangels. The argument against the existence of evil goes something like this: Evil is an adjective, not a noun. People can be evil, but evil energy doesn’t exist outside of humans who perform evil acts. It reads like something from a “how to strictly adhere to modern scientific thought” manual that discou... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

327. Be-ing Female Is Not Simple! Acknowledge It
November 02, 2017

A girl Is not however, she actually is world inside this earth's testimony. That the worn is renewed by her existence. Inside her companion person experiences appreciate, lifetime will be and her entire body created by her. She actually is really as in the event the universe's tiny while in the kind of blood and flesh and soul. Of bringing exactly the responsibility, at the process, she also utilizes her body her human body exhausted out in relation to just men. She needs extra care. The Circumstance Together with Time the strongest's on-going is your system also so fractures. At the... (read more)

Author: Mark Well

328. Transformed
October 25, 2017

We are transformed by the renewal of our minds and a heart felt desire to change. It is through honest inventory and the reviewing of our own conscience. We are reborn in Christ and through Christ. Our freedom is always living in spiritual principles. May we "be" living in the light now. Acts 20:32 And now [brethren], I commit you to God [I deposit you in His charge, entrusting you to His protection and care]. And I commend you to the Word of His grace [to the commands and counsels and promises of His unmerited favor]. It is able to... (read more)

Author: Nanette Victoria

329. Body Acceptance: How to Strike Up a Loving Relationship With Your Most Loyal Companion
October 19, 2017

As a psychotherapist, I’m in the business of hearing how people, especially women, talk about their bodies using hateful and disparaging terms. They aren’t alone. I’ve done the same myself, and so I know how hard it can be to make peace with our imperfect bodies (are they ever anything else?) let alone feel loving toward it. Some people spend a lifetime hating the way they’re “represented” by their bodies. They’ve analyzed and criticized every inch of themselves while comparing their bodies to other members of their family, to their friends, and to almost anyone they come across in life,... (read more)

Author: Suzanne St. John Smith

330. 3 Recommendations About Selecting an Ecig
October 10, 2017

If Buying a sigarette Elettroniche online is essential, specially in the event that you'd like to stop cigarette smoking. Buying cigarette to a regular basis isn't just costly, however nonetheless, it additionally will increase you chance to growing lung cancer as well as other benign conditions. You will find several benefits of working with the cigarettesmoking. However, with types of ecigs available on the marketplace, it could be difficult to discover the electronic cigarette. But with all the Following Advice, your hunt will likely soon be simpler: Inch. Request recommendation Y... (read more)

Author: Mark Well

331. Why kids need play and entertainment
October 03, 2017

Why do kids need play and entertainment? There is nothing better than watching kids play actively and having fun in the process. The burst of energy, the excitement and engagement make watching children play a very cute thing to do. This process is especially vital in the growth process of every kid. Play and entertainment help children develop great interpersonal skills, strong bones, and muscles as well as a wide imagination. Rather than being restricted to watching the television, engaging in active player plays a very big role in keeping your kids active. This article will be discussi... (read more)

Author: md tutul

October 02, 2017

FROM PARENT TO ENTREPRENEUR The Beginning It all started when we thought it would be a great idea to get the kids out of the house in the winter months. No sitting around the computer screen or playing video games for my 4 and 6 year olds. They were going skiing! We started renting ski packages, which included lessons with the local “Ski Wee” program. The mountain was little more than an overgrown hill with some manmade snow. Not only did they get outside, but so did I. The last time I had skied was 15 years prior and my skills were rusty. However, the kids took to the snow quic... (read more)

Author: Richard Beneduci

333. How to Choose Modern Furniture for Your Home
September 27, 2017

The choice of home furnishings matters a lot for everyone. This is no wonder, because furniture items can completely change the interior of your home and its atmosphere. With a rich assortment of furnishings that can be used in any room, it’s not easy to make the best choice. Meanwhile, most people have a strong desire to make their homes well-designed and comfortable. That’s why, the choice of furniture is one of the priorities for them. Modern furniture features distinct and exquisite lines and unique design, which gives each item extraordinary look. Whatever piece of furniture you are ... (read more)

Author: Aleksey Donets

334. False Notions About Psychics
September 24, 2017

Never having experienced a psychic reading before, your expectations may be skewed due to the enormous amount of misinformation about psychics, astrologers and numerologists, mediums, and other similar practitioners. As in any industry, there are both treacherous and honorable practitioners in the psychic field. We’ve encountered both, though far more good ones than bad. We recall the first time we consulted with a talented psychic, in the late 1980s. We didn’t know what to expect. Would she prognosticate doom and gloom? Would she be so vague we’d leave confused and with more questio... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

335. Lose Weight After The Scientifically Proven 3 Week Diet Plan
September 21, 2017

The quick weight loss program is made up of unique plan made for all men and women who are determined to shed stubborn body fat by simply changing diet. It is possible to lose up to 5 kgs in a matter of three to a week time. It doesn't have rigorous diets and doesn't take a lot of time. The diet does work since it uses the fundamentals of science and the science that it utilizes, essentially creating a large calorie deficit through the way you eat at predetermined times and that large calorie deficit is the way you're going to eliminate all of your body fat. So it is a good diet. It does work.... (read more)

Author: Mark Well

336. Focusing on Positivity Can (Sometimes) Drive Us "Crazy"
September 21, 2017

Sometimes I feel like complaining. About whatever. And it feels good – that is, when I’m not in the company of the kind of person we all know who see it as their job to drag us over to the “positive perspective” corner of the room. “Leave me alone. I want to feel miserable for now,” I want to scream. But it’s hard to communicate that message without sounding like a whiny, malcontented child. Regardless, the desire I originally had to complain at that moment has now been turbo-charged by my need to also complain about that annoyingly positive person. Note to perpetually “sunny” people: lea... (read more)

Author: Suzanne St. John Smith

337. They Say We Are the Only Intelligent Life in the Universe and They Call THIS Intelligent !
September 17, 2017

Billions of planets, infinite number of stars and solar systems and here we are all alone on Mother Earth. The evidence of life else ware is abundant. Artists usually draw what they see and also use their imagination. Cave dwellers have etched figures of space men, Rocket ships, and other forms of "alien" life. For example, there is a small sculpture of a being with a reptilian head and a human body nursing a baby. The Great Spirits abundance is all around us. The myriad faces and forms of the human body are infinite. The idea of space people has been shown to us on TV and ... (read more)

Author: Merry C. Battles

338. Exercise and Drop Weight with These 18 Magic Affirmations
September 10, 2017

Wouldn’t it be nice to have an extra push to be motivated to eat healthily and exercise often? You could try diet pills, but those have side effects. Hiring a trainer and personal chef would be nice, but may not be within your budget. Many people know what to do to lose weight, but then gain it back, and then some, eventually. While they temporarily changed their behavior, they didn’t address what ultimately overruled it: their mind. When you change your mind, or your thinking, your behavior will follow. More discipline and other lifestyle changes are some of the keys to good ... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

339. Ascension or Transcension?
September 10, 2017

There is no denying the state of the world has become increasingly turbulent due to climate change, declining global economic conditions, and global militarization. In the Spiritual Community, these extreme changes are attributed to a supernatural or celestial phenomenon called “The Paradigm Shift” or “The Shift”. Many prominent scientists say we are facing the sixth mass extinction of the planet. There are differing opinions as to why we have arrived at this precarious “tipping point”. Some popular accepted theories concerning the manifestation of The Shift include: ... (read more)

Author: David Love

340. Why Digging Deeper into Yourself is much Important for Being Yourself
September 10, 2017

Once you comprehend the fundamentals, you are able to begin utilizing this mindset in everyday life. You are going to be missing the strong foundations you have to construct your special message upon. As a guy, to stay sane you require a long-term, ongoing project that will be steadily improved. Whatever the goal, decide what your goal is before going into the area. A relationship may have a whole lot of love, but nevertheless, it can be totally painful whenever there's a really imbalanced proportion of trust to love. It is a relationship which didn't work out and it doesn't indicate that... (read more)

Author: Shovon Joarder

341. Popular Presentation Types
September 06, 2017

Presentations are not the same. They differ with regard to their design, content used and, of course, purpose. The latter factor affects the impression your presentation will create upon the audience and the interest it will evoke in the listeners. Before you start working on you project, you should define what type of presentation exactly you need. The thing is that each slideshow implies the use of specific techniques that contribute to its better understanding by the audience and the time you will need to complete the task. Listed below are the most popular types of presentations people cre... (read more)

Author: Aleksey Donets

342. Battery Methods for Vapers
August 30, 2017

This Is the Way to take care of your own E Cigarette: Ensuring battery life lifetime A Couple variables ascertain that the life span of your own vape Battery life. For example, when it has to do with draining the battery life, just how much you're getting. The further the battery life drains, the further you might be currently ruining it. In the event that you're charging the battery 11, you also ought to think of. It'll not survive more in the event that it bill . The best way to utilize your battery life will determine that your battery life will endure. Maintaining your batte... (read more)

Author: Mark Well

343. Numbers Personified: Numerology and Approaches to Break-ups
August 28, 2017

Numbers symbolize qualities, beyond mere quantities, and for thousands of years various civilizations have utilized numerology to infer timing, compatibility, and personality traits. Numerology, otherwise known as number mysticism in ancient times, is one of our favorite methods of divination. You may be familiar with associating the day of birth, for example, with specific personality traits. It’s a starting point, but we always recommend utilizing patterns, comprised of multiple factors because the symbolism of any given indicator is either corroborated or mitigated by the energy ... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

344. Let go of distractions
August 21, 2017

Ok, ready for a powerful spiritual discipline? How many times an hour do you check your iPhone-emails-facebook? Worse yet, how often do you check it within every 30 minutes or even less? These deadly distractions are spiritual entities luring us into a web of separation. Of course it may appear as if it is used to bring people together. Look again! We are connecting to machines to connect and once connected there are many things that come through (stories of drama-cyber-bully-gossip etc). This is not to say God will not use all thing for good. It does mean sleeper wake up and arise to wisdom. ... (read more)

Author: Nanette Victoria

345. Need for women's clinic
August 18, 2017

If You're as Soon as It comes to your Wellbeing so a girl, you've got To be more mindful about take care and shielding from issues that are various. It is usually preferable to pay a visit to the physicians to check on your physician up . There Are a Lot of reputed women's clinicsavailable Where you convey and may travel to into so they plus a wish are going to meet your wish. A trusted women's clinic provide you with a few alternatives include things like femlift, Facial Rejuvenation, O short-term takenand body-contouring along with extra fat removing, etc.. In the event you confront all... (read more)

Author: Mark Well

346. Is Jealously the Biggest Culprit in Thwarting Your Business Growth?
August 15, 2017

Why Gratitude is One of the Biggest Keys to Success No magic pill, wand or formula was applied in creating this success story. While Social Media can have many benefits to business growth, there’s an underlying, negative-based energy many people experience that could very well be contributing to the lack of their business growth. And that energy is jealousy… For us on the West Coast of Canada, we only get to enjoy a few months of summer warmth and sun each year. This is the time we make plans to get out and enjoy the weather as much as possible. So it stands to reas... (read more)

Author: Susan Friesen

347. When it's Time to Shift Priorities
August 15, 2017

I’m a perfectionist. Always have been. And sometimes it drives me crazy. Like most ‘Type-A’ people, there isn’t enough time in the day to be a perfectionist about everything, so we often prioritize areas of our lives where our standards need to reach their highest, and those where we can allow the ‘good enough’ standard to rule. And again, like others, the areas that I’ve chosen for the most attention (where I have the highest standards) have remained relatively the same throughout my adult life: school and work performance, parenting, relationships, personal style, and the appearanc... (read more)

Author: Suzanne St. John Smith

348. Use the Power of Affirmations to Be a Class Act
August 13, 2017

Have you ever noticed that people who behave like a class act tend to go further in life, and their work and personal relationships are more harmonious and less stressful? Why is that? Is it because they have less drama and chaos in their life than most people? Maybe sometimes, but often it's because they've been through a lot and in the process learned how to react positively to adversity. The world is full of rude people, and people who don't realize they're overstepping boundaries or being disrespectful. Sooner or later you will encounter these types and that's when you have a ch... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

349. Things to Consider for Successful Corporate Team Building Events
August 01, 2017

Searching for a corporate team building events can be an arduous task let alone finding a company that can deliver an effective and memorable corporate team building events. The best thing to do is develop a list of keyword objectives that you will want to accomplish. For instance if your mission is to have a fun team building activities for work that are not too intensive that will tax the participants to where they will feel stressed out after the team building event is over. Although there is some team building events that are a little dryer that will clear up some issues that one of your d... (read more)

Author: Steven Stasczak

350. Corporate Team Building Companies - Create a Good Team Culture
August 01, 2017

A Good Team Culture is Essential Success in the Workplace The energy of a good team culture is to a great degree powerful on the execution of our Customer Service Team and the nature of Service we convey to our Customers. Group Culture is the most vital influencer. In Customer Service, our objective is that each of our Customers will get amazing Customer Service and an ordeal of us that will surpass their desires on every last call to our Organization. Every guest will have a vital affair that will urge him or her to return and to purchase more. To accomplish this objective, we utilize g... (read more)

Author: Steven Stasczak

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