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Self Improvement Articles and Ezines

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Showing 301 to 325 of 500 Articles in Self Improvement.
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301. Honesty
February 06, 2018

Honesty sets free our ego (self made concept). How often we fall prey to the dictates of worldly concepts, laws, rules, that can merely reinforce who we are not. It takes courage and power to "BE" authentic. How do we accomplish this? We do not, God does the work within, we must let God perform the miracle. The program of 12 step recovery remains one of the most powerful tools of complete freedom (my personal experience), because it gets to the root of causes and conditions that keep us stuck. Until we can actually put the pen to the paper and write an honest inventory (4th step) we will stay ... (read more)

Author: Nanette Victoria

302. Best Hair Care Masks and Treatments
February 06, 2018

Taking care of skin and hair condition is a must for everyone, who wants to remain healthy and energetic for years. Most people, who are concerned with their health condition, pay attention to obvious complaints and often overlook skin and hair problems. Meanwhile, hair condition may tell a lot about your health in general. Thus, if your hair suddenly starts shedding or even falls out, this is one of the most obvious signs of health disorders that just cannot be left unnoticed. As soon as you notice the signs of hair loss, you should initially see your doctor, especially, if you haven’t d... (read more)

Author: Aleksey Donets

303. Lessons From Near Death Experiences Part 2 of 9
January 28, 2018

Have you ever wondered what will happen when you die or what heaven is like? Clues can be found through those who experienced a NDE (near death experience), when their physical body died and their soul went to the other side. Many have shared their incredible stories so others can from the insight from the other side. The Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) has the largest collection of NDEs in the world—over 4000 in more than 23 languages. But are NDEs real? How do we know they’re not manufactured by the brain or mind? The NDERF FAQ page addresses these questions and ... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

304. Is Orthognathic Surgery an Alternative to Braces?
January 26, 2018

If you suffer from a misaligned smile or bite (malocclusion), orthodontic treatments provide you with the opportunity to transform the way your teeth and jaw function and improve your self-confidence. Braces are the most common orthodontic treatment, as they can correct a full range of mild-to-severe alignment concerns that affect both your appearance and oral health. Invisalign is only appropriate for mild-to-moderate misalignment, and cannot treat bite disorders. Beyond braces and Invisalign, a treatment many people are unaware of is orthognathic surgery. It’s not exactly correct to thi... (read more)

Author: Dr Chris Tye

305. Clear and plain
January 20, 2018

How is it anyone can say they do not know God's will or even understand God? It is clear-plain-and unfailing. Christ "IS" the visible image of the invisible God. It's simple~contemplate on a Scripture your Spirit leads you to and experience freedom form the constraints of the ego. Romans 1:20 For what can be known about God is perfectly plain, since God has made it plain. Through everything God has created, people can clearly see God’s invisible qualities—God’s eternal power and divine nature. So you have no excuse for not knowing God. —Romans 1:20 [1] Love with passion Dance in t... (read more)

Author: Nanette Victoria

306. The Indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit
January 18, 2018

Did you know that if you are a Christian you are hosting a Mystery? God has always been next to you, but now that you're born again, He actually resides in you, through the Holy Spirit. This is our assurance of salvation and eternal life with the Lord. It is also our assurance of having saving help available to us in this life. The Holy Spirit enables us to live the right way and rescues us when we don't. Living the Christian life would be impossible without Him! "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world... (read more)

Author: Steve Evans

307. 8 global design trends that will shape 2018
January 17, 2018

Team IAnD scoured the standout trends that will disrupt the realm of design in 2018. Here is our take on what the world will look like this year… Voice assistants will be everywhere Smart homes have become the norm as voice assistants now control everything from heating, lighting and music; they can even order your groceries or call you a taxi. Sleek devices like Amazon Echo, Google Home and Apple’s soon-to-be-released HomePod speaker will be found in many more homes this year. And, it won’t be long before you find a voice assistant in your bathroom, too, as these very companies are str... (read more)

Author: Team IAnD

308. Lessons From Near Death Experiences Part 1 of 9
January 14, 2018

What happens during a NDE (near death experience)? Countless people have experienced the death of their physical bodies, then come back to life to share the insight from the other side. The Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) is the largest NDE website in the world with over 4000 experiences in over 23 Languages. Since one cannot prove a NDE with physical evidence, it’s natural to be skeptical. Their FAQ page has a lot of helpful information, including answers to all the typical. We searched through their database and found what we believe are the most fascinati... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

309. It's A Matter of Habits: Achieving Your Flat Belly
January 08, 2018

Yes, it is a matter of habit formation. To lose weight effectively and create the flat belly you've yearned for is a matter of trading in bad habits and forming good ones. It is not as hard as it appears. Sure, I am rather certain you've tried and failed at weight loss or you wouldn't be reading this. The average diet plan tells you to give up foods you love and force yourself to eat in a way that you have never done before. It is doomed from the start to fail. Abrupt changes in your life are not sustainable. Trade In Your Bad Habits for Good Ones Clearly, however, some people succeed at... (read more)

Author: Sara Dawson

310. Beware of the Shadow Gods
January 03, 2018

Disclosure activists have been busy exposing grand deceptions perpetrated of the wealthy elite. Conspiracy researchers have been extremely successful in uncovering the truth concerning government cover-ups. One of the biggest conspiracies comes from ancient knowledge about the origins of the human race that suggests we are a genetically modified species. The predominant (alternative) creationist theory rests on certain historical writings and other data linking humanity to a master alien race known as the Annunaki. There is also widespread suspicion within the spiritual communi... (read more)

Author: David Love

January 02, 2018

People often ask if it is possible to change the past. A person usually asks this question because they want to erase or alter a negative or traumatic memory of a past event. I feel “the past” can best be understood and explained though the study of consciousness. I am a certified hypnotherapist. I feel hypnosis and self-hypnosis are incredibly powerful tools for exploring consciousness and the depths of our subconscious minds. I would say the past is a vague and ambiguous memory, the future is a dream of infinite possibilities, and the present is a place of power where we mani... (read more)

Author: David Love

312. Your Career Success Largely Determined by This Overlooked Quality
December 29, 2017

The most overlooked quality that makes or breaks your career success is not luck, but personal timing. We’re not referring to electional astrology and numerology, where you utilize auspicious universal indicators such as a New Moon or 1 Universal Month to launch a new product or incorporate a business. Our findings tell us that personal timing, which is different for everyone, is much more important. Examine the career successes and failures of 100 smart, capable, equally experienced and disciplined entrepreneurs, and you'll ask yourself why some have such an easy time with career s... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

313. How Does Tarot Reading Work?
December 25, 2017

People often wonder how tarot cards which are picked from the deck inside a random order may possibly relate with a persons life inside a meaningful way. It really is generally excepted that tarot will not necessary let you know the action you need to consume a particular situation, but rather provides you with the choices or even the different directions you are able to take. There are lots of theories behind how tarot is really so effective. We are going to take a look at a couple of the primary theories behind tarot in this post. The very first of those theories about how tarot reading... (read more)

Author: Gloria Philips

314. 7 Simple Ways to Perform Mysticism
December 16, 2017

By definition, people practice mysticism far more than they realize. The American Heritage dictionary defines mysticism as “consciousness of transcendent reality or of God through deep meditation or contemplation. Mystic is defined as relating to religious mysteries or occult rites and practices; one who practices or believes in mysticism.” Spiritually sensitive individuals and, or those who are actively involved in self-realization and personal growth and search for the meaning of life are mystics. You don’t have to be a member of a secret brotherhood, live in a mountaintop monaster... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

315. Why Do I Need to Be Saved? (3 Reasons)
December 15, 2017

You may not want to look at what will happen when you die, but why not be ready for it, just in case it happens to you? (BTW, the odds are 100%!) And, let's face it, all of us have come short of moral perfection. Because of this, we are going to look at the three main reasons why everybody needs to be rescued by God. Number One: Conscience and Right Living Let's be perfectly honest with ourselves here -- we are not even living up to our own moral standards, let alone the ones that God requires. However, we all carry something called conscience. We can think of it as God's homing beacon,... (read more)

Author: Steve Evans

316. Our New Identity
December 14, 2017

Identity issues determine so much about how we live and what we do with our time. You can't enjoy life if you have a poor image of yourself. Yet, even the gospel isn't here to tell you how great you are---for it was Jesus who said, "Without me, you can do nothing." Therefore, you can only rightly define yourself in Christ and not in prideful self-esteem. Discovering who we really are means our sense of self-worth will be purely based upon the solid rock of Jesus' love for us. That's it! Nothing is better than the astounding fact that you are His beloved. Identity and the Lost Image Wh... (read more)

Author: Steve Evans

317. The ABCs of Emotional Intelligence (How to Live Free of Negative Emotions)
December 14, 2017

You've got emotions, right? Or do they have you? How many times have your feelings led you into trouble or made you feel like you'd been kicked to the curb by life itself? Life isn't simply a matter of what's in our minds. There's a lot of power coming at us from what seems like the unthinking part of ourselves---our emotions. The thing is, emotions hold the power potential for good or ill. We need them! We just don't need them to rule over us. How wonderful life is once we've learned how to harness the interior energy and ride it like a tamed stallion into our daily life. It's a journey th... (read more)

Author: Steve Evans

318. The Power of Beholding True Images
December 14, 2017

The images that we carry in our heart of hearts deeply impact our lives. If we see our true self as Christ-like, we will be able to discern that anything that doesn't look like Him in us, isn't coming from our true self. However, if we carry a distorted image of the Father, we will be unable to see what God is showing us and unwilling to take responsibility for our sin, therefore running away from God in shame just as Adam did. This article focuses on all the important things that image-bearing holds for us. Keep in mind that there are two steps out of a stronghold. The first step is recogn... (read more)

Author: Steve Evans

319. The Various Problems That Women Almost Suffer From All With Age
December 13, 2017

There is totally no uncertainty in the way that ladies have distinctive physical structures, both inside and also remotely. It is typically the ladies who dependably appear to experience the ill effects of a larger number of issues than men. There might be numerous issues identified with these organs that ladies may scarcely know about. Some may never encounter any of these. While for the most part numerous ladies involvement with slightest have one experience with any of these. This is most presumably why keeping oneself instructed on these can be of awesome help. With the best la... (read more)

Author: Mark Well

320. Numerology and the Number 7
December 03, 2017

Numerology, otherwise known as number mysticism, is one of many forms of divination and one of our favorites. Our approach is comprehensive, employing hundreds of factors allowing for pattern recognition, because our findings show it to be the best way to assure consistently high rates of accuracy. However, we've encountered those rare individuals who are capable of employing only a handful of indicators, such as the day of birth, month of birth, and year of birth (and combined to form the modern termed "Life Path" number), as touchstones to regularly perceive accurate insight. It's... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

321. What Graphology can do for you
November 28, 2017

What Graphology can do for you 1. Business man can use handwriting for • Detecting petty pilferer • Detecting the forger • Detecting logical or emotional thinker • Detecting time waster and accident -prone people • Detecting health factors • Screening employees 2. Know the emotional response of anyone you meet. Are they impulsive, unstable, argumentative or cool headed 3. Detecting deception, manipulation and violence 4. Spotting hand writing of an embezzler 5. Spotting drug use, mental illness and suicidal tendencies. 6. Personal development using grapho therapy 7. Revea... (read more)

Author: Rekha Balchandani

322. Forgiveness Affirmations: Do it For Yourself
November 19, 2017

Affirmations are powerful and can help transform any area of life if you use them correctly. Can they buck fate, erase karma or help you create anything, no matter how ambitious the goal? We don’t believe so; we’ve found through our empirical research that many of the major events and people in your life are fated. The good news is that you can make the most of your fate by using your free will. If you are in tune with yourself, at least somewhat realistic, and wiling to make the effort to reach your goals, affirmations can be like the wind at your back. What you think and believe c... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

323. #MeToo: Add My Voice to the Cultural Ground Swell against Sexual Abuse
November 18, 2017

We are living in powerful times. A crucial time in the lives of those who’ve been sexually abused. For girls, boys, men, and women, it’s a long-awaited time when people are becoming empowered to speak up against the sexual abuse they’ve experienced during their lifetimes with the hope of making those who’ve perpetrated the abuse finally accountable. Some abusers will be named publicly, but most others will not. But finding your voices, and adding them to the cultural ground swell that’s become part of a vital growing movement will act to warn those who have already engaged in, or those wh... (read more)

Author: Suzanne St. John Smith

324. Much more than a store!
November 10, 2017

Sid Lee and Sid Lee Architecture in collaboration with Adidas US & Concepts, conceive and design all-new Adidas x CNCPTS Sanctuary boutique on Newbury St. in Boston. The Sanctuary is the third collaboration between Adidas and CNCPTS. Conceived and designed by the Sid Lee and Sid Lee Architecture team, The Sanctuary is discreetly nestled in the basement of one of Boston's oldest commercial streets at 73 Newbury Street. More than a store, it’s a place of worship, where fans can gather, revere the gear, and gear up with some of the most limited drops, iconic kicks and merchandise from Adidas... (read more)

Author: Team IAnD

325. Identical Twins, Astrology, and Numerology
November 05, 2017

Conventional scientists say that identical twins are the result of a fertilized egg in the womb that splits into equal parts, thus two identical humans. Modern astrologers claim that twins, or strangers born around the same time in the same place, have similar charts. But if you’ve ever known more than a few sets of identical twins, you know that even though they look similar, their personalities and lives can be quite different. Why is that? Their environment can shape them in different ways. But shouldn’t two people with almost identical brains and bodies react to environmenta... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

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