When a website is listed at the top position in a Google organic search it receives as many as 32.5% of the traffic for that search. The website that is ranked at No. 2 gets 17.6% of the traffic. So, effectively more than 50% of clicks are generated by these two positions. 91.5% of all search traffic is generated by the Google page one and what do you think is the stat for the second page? It is at a measly 4.8%. So, it comes as no wonder that every website wants to be on that page one if not the first or the second position. Go to an SEO provider website and you will find that almost everyone promises that they can achieve page one on Google for your website. How do you know that they can actually achieve thi result? Gamit on Facebook is one of the easiest ways to find this out. Even you can take your website to Google page one. Pick up an obscure set of keywords and have them associated with your website. Search using those keywords and you will find that your website is listed right there at the top of the Google search page 1. But does this really work for you? After all who is going to search using obscure keywords? The top SEO providers have the capability to achieve page one in Google for their client websites using keywords that people use for searching. Relevance is something that has to be taken most seriously when someone wants to improve the page rank of their website. Google comes down hard against those websites that use irrelevant keywords and contents to lure traffic in. Yes, there are websites that are built for the search engines and not for humans. Yes, there are websites where the content has nothing to do with the keywords. Yes, there are websites that have inbound links with no relevance to the content. Yes, there are a host of black hat SEO techniques that can rank websites high but temporarily. These are not the ways to go for Google page one. Gamit on Facebook will give you enough white hat SEO techniques to achieve page one on Google. Gamit is one of the top SEO providers in the world. It has been in operation for 7 years and it has an impressive list of clients to show. The Gamit on Facebook not only showcases the kind of work the people at Gamit do but also updates and information on how search trends in Google and other top search engines change continuously. Follow Gamit on Facebook and you will see that they work on every aspect of SEO – they can work your website keywords; they can change the content to make it enticing and fresh and they can bring in relevant inbound links to your website. Gamit also markets your website through blogs, articles and press releases. Getting to Google page one through Gamit is possible and there is no hanky-panky involved here.Follow Gamit on Facebook and you will come across various ways the SEO provider can achieve Google page one for your website.
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