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Retail Business bestowed with Digital Support by Leon Grant

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Retail Business bestowed with Digital Support by
Article Posted: 08/13/2014
Article Views: 159
Articles Written: 640
Word Count: 512
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Retail Business bestowed with Digital Support

Science & Technology,Business,Computers
‘Revenue generation is the real fruit of the tree titled, Trade’…. is a quote unanimous for all forms of business throughout the sphere. Industries that are liable to fast cash transactions in a limited period of time needs to be managed in a smart, steady and systematized way of preserving the real outcome on a diurnal basis. This stigma has been prevailing in human minds since decades ago the actual solution was found and as a result a major evolution of retail business occurred in the later quarter of the century aided with an emergence of digitization and internet accessibility around the world.

In August 1973, Store controller systems were examined capable of controlling and registering up to 128 sales entries at a single glance. This concept plagiarized a commercial genre of computerized billing system by inculcating client-server technology, peer-to-peer interaction, remote programming enhanced with a simultaneous back-up by a local area network (LAN) .Whereas in 1974, William Brobeck and Associates assembled the first cash register system that was controlled by a microprocessor. Again in 1986, Gene Mosher reintroduced the sales registry software in a graphical module. Here the functions were driven by widget interfaces configured as menu icons on the monitor. Finally in 1992, the first ever ‘Point of Sale’ (POS) software was created by Martin Goodwin and Bob Henry in competence to Microsoft operating systems, being developed on Windows and UNIX platforms. This Software emerged as a highly functional and flexible system aided by a local processing power and local data storage along with graphical user interface and networking.

The working principle of retail software is governed by modifying standardized inter connectable POS devices. Earlier OPOS and JavaPOS were the two major COM-enabled and java-support programming languages that combined and enabled the functioning of the Retail Software in Microsoft Windows. Later with the advent of cloud computing, POS software devoid of being installed in system, started sending and storing user data entries including sales and inventory, to a remote server by direct internet access and browsing.The major advantage of this cloud-based software stacks in prompt centralization of data accessible with internet availability and minimum initial set-up cost. Although, the subscription fee is ambiguous to that of on-premise software installation for mid or long term basis in contrast to the service advantages obtained by repeated update of the software in cloud computing. Perhaps data storage in sudden interruption led by an abrupt loss in internet connection needs a bundled and local implementation of the Software and proper upload of the data to the cloud after restoration of the internet connection. This effectively restricts business record hampering and messing-up of data records. Moreover, correct way of communication with peripherals is also vital in appropriate working of a Retail Software involving Barcode printer, Barcode scanner, Retail printer, Magnetic card reader, Data capturing unit, Logic control, Touch screen support and Cash drawer. POS system also handles multiple customer based functions like sales return, exchange, gift registries and discounts along with anticipated promotional sales, voucher validation, multiple imbursement options and foreign currency usage.

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