In case you have a longer lens, your extension tube will be able to get you lesser magnification. Each lens tends to have a minimum focus distance as its property. You can use an extension tube in order to reduce that minimum focal distance. It is able to create a focus zone within which an object may be in focus. In fact, the depth of this field can become so narrow that you would be quite close to that distance when you are focusing that shot. The extension tube is able to greatly enhance the capability of the lenses that you already have. It will also enhance your Macro capability. You will find that the extension tube works well on the 50mm lens in case of macros of still life and inanimate objects. It might be difficult to use on living things as they might object as you need to get so close. You will find that the extension tube works well for moving nature shots on the longer lenses as these have a much higher "stand-off" range. This is measured in feet and not in inches. An extension tube is a metal or plastic tube that you connect to your setup between the digital SLR camera body and the lens. It makes the lens look much longer than it actually is. This way, it is able to extend the lens. Once you increase the distance of the lens from the body of the camera, you will be able to move closer to what you are photographing while at the same time keeping your focus too. This is really useful in case of macro photography as you would want to be as close to the subject as possible. And in case you are not using the extension tube, your digital camera will be blinking away uncontrollably numerous times to let you know that you are too close. This way you will not be able to take the photographs until you are able to move away. The extension tube does not affect your image quality as it is not changing your camera lens optically. There are particular extension tube that are specifically created for your camera model. There are many generic brands too. There is not much difference in the quality of the photographs taken by a branded or a generic extension tube. But you will loose automatic focus when you use a generic extension tube.
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