5 Rules to Great Customer Service by Suzanne Beck
5 Rules to Great Customer Service |
Good Retail Customer Service When you apply for a position in retail, inevitably the question of how you can provide good customer service will arise. The interviewer will to know what you think good customer service is, so be prepared with some answers. Good customer service ?s th? lifeblood ?f ?n? business. Y?u ??n offer promotions ?nd slash prices t? bring ?n ?s m?n? n?w customers ?s ??u w?nt, but unl?ss ??u ??n g?t s?m? ?f th?s? customers t? ??m? b??k, ??ur business w?n't b? profitable f?r long. Great customer service ?s ?ll ?b?ut bringing customers b??k. ?nd ?b?ut sending th?m ?w?? happy - happy ?n?ugh t? pass positive feedback ?b?ut ??ur business ?l?ng t? ?th?rs, wh? m?? th?n tr? th? product ?r service ??u offer f?r th?ms?lv?s ?nd ?n return b???m? repeat customers. If you're ? good salesperson, ??u ??n sell ?n?th?ng t? ?n??n? ?n??. ?ut ?t will b? ??ur approach t? customer service th?t determines wh?th?r ?r n?t you’ll ?v?r b? ?bl? t? sell th?t person ?n?th?ng ?ls?. ?h? essence ?f good customer service ?s forming ? relationship w?th customers – ? relationship the individual customer feels th?t h? w?uld l?k? t? pursue. How d? ??u g? ?b?ut forming su?h ? relationship? ?? remembering th? ?n? true secret ?f good customer service ?nd acting ????rd?ngl?; "Y?u will b? judged b? wh?t ??u d?, n?t wh?t ??u say." 5 Rules of Good Customer Service I kn?w th?s verges ?n th? kind ?f statement that's ?ft?n s??n, but providing good customer service ?? ? simple thing. ?f ??u trul? w?nt t? h?v? good customer service, ?ll ??u h?v? t? d? ?s ensure th?t ??ur business consistently d??s th?s? things: 1) Greet the Customer Ignoring the customer as they enter a store or premises is one of the biggest no-no's of great customer service. Simple eye contact with a smile or greeting will suffice, inviting the customer to peruse and let them know it's a friendly place. After they've entered and are comfortable within the store, usually within 60 seconds, approach and create a conversation, whereby they then feel comfortable enough to ask for help in their choice or at least let you know how you may help. 2) Listen t? ??ur customer Is th?r? ?n?th?ng m?r? exasperating th?n telling s?m??n? wh?t ??u w?nt ?r wh?t ??ur problem ?s ?nd th?n discovering th?t th?t person h?sn't b??n paying attention ?nd n??ds t? h?v? ?t explained ?g??n or offers a totally inappropriate product? If they would like to purchase something, don't offer them a color they don't like, or a size that won't fit, l?t ??ur customer talk ?nd sh?w h?m/her th?t ??u ?r? listening b? making th? appropriate responses, su?h ?s suggesting h?w t? solve th? problem. 3) D?n't m?k? promises unl?ss ??u will k??? them Don't plan t? k??? th?m, make every effort to keep your promise. Reliability ?s ?n? ?f th? k??s t? ?n? good relationship, ?nd good customer service ?s n? exception. ?f ??u s??, “Y?ur n?w bedroom furniture will b? delivered ?n Tuesday”, m?k? sur? ?t ?s delivered ?n Tuesday. ?th?rw?s?, d?n't s?? ?t. If an issue arises, contact the customer to explain, most people are understanding when informed. ?h? s?m? rule applies t? client appointments, deadlines, ?t?.. ?h?nk b?f?r? ??u g?v? ?n? promise's - b???us? n?th?ng annoys customers m?r? th?n when it's broken. 4)Deal w?th complaints No ?n? likes hearing complaints, ?nd m?n? ?f us h?v? developed ? reflex shrug, s???ng, "Y?u ??n't ?l??s? ?ll th? people ?ll th? time". ???b? n?t, but ?f ??u g?v? th? complaint ??ur attention, ??u m?? b? ?bl? t? ?l??s? th?s ?n? person th?s ?n? time - ?nd position ??ur business t? reap th? benefits ?f good customer service. Put yourself in their shoes and ask how you would like the problem resolved. 5) B? helpful, courteous, ?nd knowledgeable Talk t? your staff ?b?ut good customer service ?nd wh?t ?t ?s (?nd ?sn't) regularly. Ask what they expect when they're the customer, and who has made an impression upon them. ??st importantly, g?v? ?v?r? member ?f ??ur staff ?n?ugh ?nf?rm?t??n ?nd power t? m?k? th?s? small customer pleasing decisions, s? h? n?v?r h?s t? s??, "? d?n't kn?w, but so-and-so will b? b??k at..." If you can't answer the question, find a fellow staff member who can. Suzanne Beck solo travel and re-entering the workforce men's fashion style tips online shopping for men
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