The Autism disorder and Asperger Syndrome share many similarities. Bear in mind that they are just like us, someone that wants to be loved and to love as well. However, since they have a hard time handling a relationship, you as their partner can do something about it. Here are the following tips on how to have and keep your relationship with an asperger girlfriend or boyfriend. You must have thorough knowledge about the Asperger Syndrome. The more you know about it, the more you will know what to do. You can do your research in the web and you can read books about Asperger people or Aspies. There are times that your partner is fully aware that he or she has this condition. In that case, let your partner explain to you on how Asperger affects him or her. You can easily get along with someone if you have a lot in common. This could be a great tool to keep close to him or her. Discover his or her talents, hobbies, and the things he or she likes and get involved with it. You can ask for assistance on him or her in things that you need help and share each others thoughts and opinions about it. Since they usually feel lonely, be a friend to him or her. Most often, Asperger people are getting the impression of being weird or something's really wrong with them. They somehow feel outcast in some ways. So hang out together regularly and let him or her feel that they belong and are not alone. Constant communication would keep you closer together. You can give him or her, your number, e-mail address, and even add him or her in your Facebook and vice versa. In terms of physical contact, there are people with Asperger that wants to be hugged. However there are those that can't stand it and would feel uncomfortable with it. In that case, you can replace hugging with shaking of hands, high-five, or shoulder tapping. Observe what action they prefer you to do on them. Be aware that Aspies have difficulty understanding the expression or the intention of another person. They may have difficulty showing their affection and love to you. In this situation, make certain that you initiate this feeling to get them do the same with you. In a relationship, a kiss is something that is special. On the contrary doing this with your partner that has Asperger may need certain considerations. Everyone wants to be respected, same as to those with Asperger. You can wait for him or her to start this kind topic. If it's not getting possible, you can gradually open this up by starting a conversation concerning kissing. Some may tend to pull back as you kiss him or her. But if this person did not pull back, give them your best kiss! Remember, the time when you kiss an asperger girl or boy, is the time you found your true love! For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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