Unfortunately, owning a dog doesn't come with an instruction manual and one of the most crucial aspects in keeping him or her safe is in being mindful of what you feed him or her. As a responsible dog owner, you want to do everything you can to make sure your dog lives to see a ripe old age. Part of doing that is being careful about what he or she eats. There's a lot of misinformation on the Internet about what's healthy and what's toxic for dogs. What makes a dog owner's search more complicated is that many of the foods on the unhealthy list can actually be found in commercially sold food. For anyone who is a new dog owner, this can be not only confusing but also frustrating. Below is a comprehensive list of what's healthy, what's not and what can kill your furry kid. In giving credit where credit is due, this list was compiled using one that is one of the more comprehensive found on the Internet, and compiled using the website of Ed Frawley of Leerburg, Inc. He raises and trains K9 police dogs. • Alcoholic beverages: Can cause intoxication, coma and death. • Apple seeds, apricot, peach and cherry pits: Contain cyanogenic glycosides, which result in cyanide poisoning. • Avocados: The fruit, pit, and plant can all cause difficulty breathing, fluid accumulation in the chest, abdomen and heart. • Baby food: Can contain onion powder, which is toxic to dogs - A note about baby food, if it doesn't contain onion powder, it's safe. • Broccoli in large amounts • Candy with Xylitol is very harmful, gum with Xylitol can be deadly • Chocolate, coffee, tea and caffeine products: Caffeine, Theobromine, and Theophylline can be toxic and affect the heart and nervous system. - A note about chocolate: It's NOT cute to see a dog in seizures who's just eaten chocolate. NEVER feed your dog chocolate. It can kill your dog. • Citrus oil extracts: causes vomiting. • Grapes and raisins: An unknown toxin can damage the liver. • Hops: Causes panting, increased heart rate, elevated temperature, seizures and death. • Human vitamin supplements with iron: Can damage the lining of the digestive system and be toxic to liver and kidneys as well. • Large amounts of liver: Can cause Vitamin A toxicity, which affects muscles and bones. • Macadamia nuts: Unknown toxin can affect the digestive and nervous systems and muscle. • Moldy or Spoiled Food: Can cause vomiting and diarrhea, and also affect other organs. • Mushrooms/toadstools: Toxins may affect multiple systems, cause shock and result in death. • Mustard seeds • Nutmeg: Can cause tremors, seizure and death • Onions and Garlic: Sulfoxides and Disulfides, which can damage red blood cells causing Anemia. Garlic is less toxic than Onions. • Persimmons: Seeds can cause intestinal obstruction and enteritis. • Potato skins, rhubarb and tomato leaves; tomato Stems: Contain oxalates, which can affect digestive, nervous system and urinary tract issues. • Salt: Can cause electrolyte imbalances when eaten in large amounts. • Tobacco: Nicotine affects digestive and nervous systems. Can result in rapid heartbeat, collapse, coma and death. • Walnuts • Yeast Dough: Can expand and produce gas in the digestive system, causing pain and possible rupture of stomach or intestines. Healthcare coverage for your pet is more affordable than you think. Get a quote in just a few minutes! Visit our website for a Pet Insurance Comparison by visiting our website: http://www.1800PetInsurance.com
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