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Dog Society Music You Canine Resist by Rick London

Dog Society Music You Canine Resist by
Article Posted: 10/30/2013
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Dog Society Music You Canine Resist

Entertainment,Music,New to the Internet
I love being humbled, and this happens to me every now and again when reviewing music. I was assigned to review what was described as a hot seasoned group of professionals known as “Dog Society”.

I’m told they’d been “off the music scene” for awhile, which happens when bands are recording, going through decisions, etc, just like anyone else in life.

But this was after touring with such iconic names as Sheryl Crowe, Stone Temple Pilots, and The Mighty Bosstones. So naturally, a band with this caliber talent, perked our curiosity.

Even though I can only venture to guess why, Dog Society gives us some clues in both their persona and their sound; and one of those clues is a soon-to-be-classic album independently produced titled “Emerge”.

Though it is difficult to decipher the entire range of influences from earlier generations, one that is prevalent is both the early Beatles and even the later Beatles (White Album). Some bands grimace when being compared to such bands because they believe I am saying “not original”. However that I anything but the case. These guys may be one of the most original bands I've heard this decade.

Dog Society is a NYC Alternative Rock Band named after the actions of an early Native American tribe who was active in the resistance movement against the hostilities that removed their lands.

In addition to recording Emerge, Dog Society has, like the ancient tribes, achieved all this by keeping their own personas, and not signing with large labels but staying independent so as to also retain their versatility and flexibility that shows they’ve proven their name, “Dog Society”. The historical Native Americans would have been proud.

The band is made up of Brian Schnaak, Bruce Brauer, Rich Guerzon and Joe Ranieri.

How does one describe them? Their sound is powerful but relaxing. There is most decidedly a driving force driving them, but their demeanor is such that “We want you to like us, but we don’t demand it”. The next thing you know you are halfway through the album and are amazed at the raw savvy of these young men who have more than definitely paid their dues.

All the tunes are personal and one wonders “how did they know that about me”? They purvey an empathy of growing up, succeeding, failing, getting up and succeeding again, and all the other obstacles we all face while attempting to find our voice, our face, our true self.

For instance, the track “Suffer A Smile” though taking on an obvious jaded view of life, teaches us what it takes sometimes to get through some of the commonalities that are so universal in life. And sometimes we have to smile when we are hurting, and “here’s one way, maybe not the only way”. Nothing is preachy which is also a big plus. That was a great asset for the Beatles, even after they became a household name, and it appears Dog Society has that similar characteristic. In this song there is a definite influence one hears following the lead guitar that could easily be mistaken for George Harrison. One hears the influence of an Paul McCartney’s voice (during the Rubber Soul years) as well.

“Aleja” is another memorable tune which is all about being In the middle of breaking up. She is obviously either the love interest, or a woman who can give a wounded man advice in how to get through such an omnipotent event (of which we’ve all experienced).

Another favorite track is “The Fuse Before” and a dark comical way Dog Society makes itself vulnerable, but brings out our own vulnerabilities that we usually attempt to hide (in an unhealthy way) and as they move through this brilliant number (this time in more of a Beatles White Album feel), we learn how to cope with what society expects of us in the way of success. No matter how big one becomes or feels they have become, we all have so many fuses upon which to draw. How do we renew those fuses when they are burned out? This song reveals a great deal and its good.

And though they are often billed as a blend of psychedelic/rock/sensible pop, and those would be proper adjectives; I couldn’t help thinking once again of the Beatles.

Again, don’t get the wrong idea. Dog Society is up to date with all its instrumentation, phenomenal tightened studio sound, but not so mixed as to not sound real. Others who have done this successfully are Chris Rea and J.J. Cale. I felt both of those greats influences with this band that seems to have all fuses working, big time. And we’ll be hearing a lot more from Dog Society, fortunately.

Dog Society fans will be glad to know they have come back strong with their new album "Emerge" which critic Rick London has given an A+++. Follow @DogSocietyNY on Twitter and/or visit their website for some great music. Author Rick London is also a cartoonist and designer and best known for his Google #1 ranked offbeat cartoons, Londons Times. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dog Society fans will be glad to know they have come back strong with their new album "Emerge" which critic Rick London has given an A+++. Follow @DogSocietyNY on Twitter and/or visit their website for some great music. Author Rick London is also a cartoonist and designer and best known for his Google #1 ranked offbeat cartoons, Londons Times.

Related Articles - dog society, dog society band, dog society ny, music by dog socieety, who is dog society, what is dog society, dog society review,

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