Music is oftentimes likened to fashion choices or even food choices. Pretty much what kind of music you hear suggests what kind of person you are. But with the booming baby business and "Baby Einstein" series, it seems to suggest that children are moulded in their formative years. The Baby series is said to promote brain activity and promote intelligence in kids who aren't even aware of language. Music is a sound that we hear and we deeply communicate well, something primordial perhaps. We connect through music even though language is a barrier. Children benefit much from this kind of communication. There are a number of ways by which music for young children can help in their lives and in their future. 1. Increased Intelligence Some people swear by it, some don't believe it. Music is said to trigger auditory parts of the brain helping in logic and reasoning and sometimes helps creativity too. But the general perception that music makes babies smarter is flawed. Children learn to focus on sounds, recognizes notes and change say in tempo or harmony which then helps their brain develop a lot better. It doesn't matter whether it is Bach, Beethoven, wind chimes or the sound of the rustling trees. Music in general helps children develop their brain, not only classical. 2. Better Communication Most of the children now are refined in the computers, tapping endlessly to their gadgets but the problem lies in communication; Most do not know how to socialize anymore. Music is not only a mode of expression for people, it is also a very healthy mode of communication for any person. A child may express his or her self through music and expressing it constructively. The child also learns restraint through the discipline of music and learn harmony. These values are helpful in the future for any child as these will eventually grow into morals of responsibility and cooperation. 3. Better Confidence There are no shy musicians. Give them an instrument and they will play it with no doubt. Most of people deeply involved in music know who they are, what their stance in the society and what they know. This might be attributed to the increased brain power but somehow a musical talent is always revered by any culture. Any musical instrument is welcomed in parties or reunions and somewhat music bring people together, which helps the musicians gain confidence in what they do or what they could achieve. By music, children learn that they will get better if they work hard for it, much like learning a musical instrument.
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