If you really like to hear music on the move, I would really encourage you to try a set of over ear headphones. They have benefits over other headphones varieties in several ways. Firstly, they fit comfortably around your ears, so they tend to be more comfortable than other types of headset. Many models are very light and have great cushioning so you can use them for a long time without going through any irritation. Secondly, because of their size relative to other headphone types, they are able to use a bigger driver to produce the sound - this means that the sound quality can be significantly better than other headphone types. Finally, as they cover your ears, over ear headphones, especially closed-back designs, keep outside noise to a minimum, so you can hear your music undisturbed, but also they keep the music in, so you don't share your music with everyone else around you, a true benefit. There are lots of over ear headphones to choose from, with top brands being AKG, Beats, Bose, Sennheiser, Beyerdynamic, Grado, Skullcandy, Shure and Panasonic. Headphones are on the market for all budgets, varying from just a few pounds up to prices of more than £1,000! There are lots of fantastic features obtainable, depending on what you want your headphones for. These include things like noise cancelling, wireless (Bluetooth), headphones developed for use with transportable gadgets such as iPods and MP3 players, gaming headsets and headphones for use when communicating with other people via webcam. There are additionally many headphones designed especially for use in the studio or for pro use. In addition to different features, over ear headphones are available in many distinct styles and colours, so you'll be able to find something that matches your preference. Brands like AKG, Grado and Sennheiser are generally more traditional in design, although many of their styles are also contemporary looking and stylish. These manufacturers often release special editions, such as the AKG Quincy Jones range, that are more eye-catching and look amazing. Beats headphones are very current looking and trendy, and have been championed by numerous stars, such as Dr Dre and Lady Gaga. Skullcandy makes a great range of models specifically targeted at young people, particularly for skateborders, and their headphones come with impressive colours and designs, which look extremely distinctive, so if you're after something unique, they are definitely worth a look. I'd definitely recommend trying out any set of headphones before you buy, to make sure they are suited to your particular taste. Many good electronics or music stores have a good selection of the more popular models out for you to try, and you can even plug your iPod in at some sttores to try them out with your own music. You can definitely find better prices online though, but do stick to well known stores, as some of the top brands are counterfeited, with the quality of fake headphones tending to be much poorer than with the real thing. If you enjoy listening to music in perfect solitude, try out a set of over ear headphones - I am confident you will be blown away! To share my love of over ear headphones and to help other people find the perfect set of headphones for them, I set up Over-ear-headphones.co.uk, a resource for people interested in headphones. You can find lots of useful information on headphones, including plenty of reviews and the latest news.
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