People say change is good for you, fortunately for many Nada Thomson made a big change; from organising properties to lives. In 2006 Nada began aiding the poor after years of owning a business called Artful Organizers, where she was a personal organizer. As a Christian mission, it seeks to assist those members of the community who would otherwise be ignored. It is open to all faith systems and all ethnic backgrounds. The community has of men and women from ages 25 to 55. Five hundred people every week and every year in the thousands. The charity has a street outreach team which arranges jail visits, meals prepared by friends, Children's Aid, court visits, as well as helping to get their kids into safe properties. The aid does not stop there, the Sanctuary also offers health clinics, support for those who are using drugs and rehab for the mind and body. Another thing the charity does is give employment training, which can only mean more meaningful employment for people. Each year events are put on to support the Sanctuary and give a sense of belonging to its members with Xmas being a great time for a large feast. With Xmas gift bags, a feast, talent shows and a play, this is definitely a special time for all those involved. Through the summer there is a 5k walk and in September the charity puts on a music concert. The events are not just for the people who rely on the organisation for support, anyone that contributes is welcome, this way they can see their money is put to good use. The rich and the poor, the organisation want to dim the differences. Those, who have been stripped of their dignity, will be given back their sense of pride. Making a difference is more than just donating cash but also about having new friends. The charity is not a stand-in for social services but an added service set up to help. Nada also goes on to say that those people who previously lived on the streets now have a roof over their heads. There is no dispute that without the support of organisations such as the Sanctuary these people would still be on our streets. One of the success stories of The Sanctuary is that a young female was born and raised in the Toronto area. Once she was born this baby was placed in the foster care system; the following details will show you why. This poor baby never stood a chance of a nice life when it started with a family member setting fire to her bed. Cockroaches covered her small body when her grandmother found her one day. but she was sexually abused. Over the years she went through the homes of many foster parents, no relationship seemed to last the duration and this woman was an addict. With support from quite a few people the woman is now moving forward with her life and has been attending the sanctuary for 4 years. Julie Kinnear is Toronto MLS Listings realtor and charity enthusiast.
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